Something Fishy - Page Four
The viewing globe shows Blue Ranger crouching down in fear. Zordon tells Alpha 5, Rita has cast a spell on him. He cannot control his fear.
Goo Fish laughs as Blue Ranger hides behind Pink Ranger, pleading with her to keep Goo Fish away from him.
Goo Fish continues to laugh at Blue Ranger. That's right, be afraid! For soon you will suffer my wrath! Blue Ranger continues to plead with Pink Ranger to keep it away.
Jason, Trini, and Zack have finished scuba diving and are walking along the beach, still thrilled with their adventure. Zack tells his friends, he can't believe how clear it is down there. Trini and Jason agree.
Pink Ranger contacts Zordon and tells him they need help as Goo Fish walks towards them.
As they take off their scuba equipment, Jason tells Zack and Trini, that was an awesome dive. Zack adds, totally amazing. Trini can't believe how beautiful it is down there. Jason's communicator goes off. It is Zordon. Zordon tells them, Rita has trapped the other Rangers with a venomous Goo Fish. You must help them immediately. Jason tells Zordon, we are on the way. Zack, Jason, and Trini morph and teleport to the battle.
Red Ranger fires his Blade Blaster at Goo Fish, just as Goo Fish was about to strike Pink Ranger. Goo Fish is knocked aside. He tells the Rangers, another time, and dives into the ocean. Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger hurry over to Blue Ranger, who is still crouched down in fear. They ask Blue Ranger if he is okay? Blue Ranger gets up with no explanation of what happened to him.
Baboo and Squatt stand beside Rita as she asks Goldar, what's next with our Goo Fish? Goldar replies, I've ordered him to draw out the Megazord and then use his goo to destroy it. Goldar laughs.
The teens teleport in and Billy is feeling pretty bad about what happened. Jason tells Zordon that they had a lot of trouble with that Goo Fish. Zack adds, that was one of Rita's worst monsters ever. Billy blames himself - I couldn't even bring myself to get close to that thing. Alpha 5 has sympathy for Billy, as does his friends. Trini tells Billy, don't blame yourself. Everyone has something they are afraid of. Kimberly asks Zordon if there is anything they can do to help Billy? Jason adds, we're really going to need him. Zordon replies, Billy, Rita has cast a spell on you by using your fear of fish. If you face your fear and overcome it, her spell will be broken. Billy doesn't think he can face that sea monster. Zordon tells him he has no choice. Zordon instructs the teens to behold the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows Goo Fish. Zordon continues, as you can see, the Goo Fish is craving a terrible path of destruction. It's toxic venom will immobilize anything it touches. Humans and sea life alike. You must overcome your fear Billy. The other Rangers need you. Kimberly is concern and asks Billy if he is sure he is ready for this? Trini adds, we're going to need you. Billy replies, I'll try not to let you down. The teens morph and teleport out.
The Rangers arrive on the beach and find Goo Fish with several Putties. Pink Ranger tells the team that she and Blue Ranger will take care of the Putties, they can take care of Goo Fish.