Page Two
Zordon asks Alpha 5 if the molecular descrambler is complete yet? Alpha 5 replies I'm working on it as fast as I can. Zordon urges Alpha 5 to hurry. The Rangers' rescue depends on this device. There is no time to spare. Zordon adds with Lord Zedd turning the Rangers to children and then imprisoning them in a photograph, there is no one to destroy his evil Rock of Time. Alpha 5 thinks this is a terrible situation. Zordon tells Alpha 5 our only chance is to recover the photograph and use the descrambler to return the Rangers to normal. After awhile, Alpha 5 excitedly announces that the molecular descrambler is ready for action. Zordon tells Alpha 5 just in time. Right now you must teleport to the park and stop Goldar from taking the photograph from Bulk and Skull. We need that picture to bring back the Power Rangers. Use the laser stun scanner. Alpha 5 teleports out. Alpha 5 arrives in the park between Goldar and Bulk and Skull. Alpha 5 tells Goldar to hold it right there, you big, golden gorilla. Goldar refers to Alpha 5 as Zordon's bucket of bolts. Alpha 5 uses the scanner on Goldar and Goldar is unable to move. Alpha 5 then turns around and uses the scanner on Photomare with the same success. Bulk and Skull take off running when Alpha 5's back is turned. Alpha 5 goes running after them - shouting out wait, I need that picture! Alpha 5 tires of running and teleports to the school building. Alpha 5 suddenly appeared in the hallway. Mr. Caplan said hello and Alpha 5 realized he had teleported to the wrong hallway and vanished. Alpha 5 teleports to the classroom and in front of Bulk and Skull. They start screaming Martian! Alpha 5 tells them to relax, I am not here to hurt you. Alpha 5 tells them he must have that picture. When I count to three, you will fall asleep and when you wake up, you will remember nothing. Bulk and Skull didn't believe him. Alpha 5 used the molecular descrambler on the boys and they fall asleep. Alpha 5 took the picture and used the molecular descrambler on it. Rocky, Billy, Aisha, Kimberly, Tommy, and Adam were successfully freed from the picture. Except for Billy, the kids were a bit frighten of Alpha 5. Billy walked over to Alpha 5 to check him out. Billy was very impressed with Alpha 5 and press a couple of buttons on Alpha 5's chest plate. This tickled Alpha 5. Billy then walked over and joined his friends. Alpha 5 tells them to listen, he has to change them back to their real ages. Adam asks him what he is talking about? Alpha 5 tells them it's kind of complicated, but he will try to explain. As Bulk as Skull sleep, Alpha 5 tells them what has happened and concludes with you see it's imperative that you allow me to rescramble your molecular structure. You must believe me. There isn't much time. The world needs the Power Rangers. Adam: "So you are telling us we are super heroes called the Power Rangers." Kimberly thinks it's totally cool. Zordon's voice comes through. Zordon informs Alpha 5 that the effects of the stun laser has worn off. Zordon continues Goldar and Photomare are back to full power. You must quickly to restore the Power Rangers. Photomare has begun capturing innocent people in the park. Alpha 5 turns to the kids and asks them if they now believe him? Tommy tells him they are in. Kimberly asks if it will hurt? Alpha 5 tells them no, but you can close your eyes if you would like to. Rocky, Billy, Aisha, Kimberly, Tommy, and Adam clasp hands and close their eyes. Alpha 5 aims the molecular descrambler at them. Billy, Aisha, Kimberly, Tommy, Adam, and Rocky are returned to their correct age. Alpha 5 is very happy to see them. Aisha exclaims whoa - that was weird! Kimberly states we are back. Rocky tells his friends, come on, we got to kick it! The teens morph and teleport out. Alpha 5 teleports back to the Command Center. The Rangers successfully destroy Photomare and copy Red Dragon Thunderzord with Thunder Megazord. Soon after, Zordon tells Alpha 5 something is wrong. Observe the viewing globe. Alpha 5 hurries over to the viewing globe, which is showing the Rock of Time. Zordon fears the Rock of Time's reversing effect has begun to destabilize the planet's foundation. Alpha 5 panics as he tells Zordon he is right. Zordon tells Alpha 5 that the Power Rangers must be made aware of the threat. Contact them immediately. Alpha 5 hurries over to a control panel. He tells Zordon I have their coordinates locked in. Black Ranger responds with a yes Zordon. Zordon tells them sensors indicate Earth is becoming unstable due to Zedd's time reversal. You must locate and destroy the Rock of Time before it's too late. White Ranger tells Zordon they are ready. We're through with Goldar. Red Ranger shouts let's do it Rangers! Goldar tells them they will never succeed before vanishing in a blaze of fire. White Ranger tells Zordon they can't destroy the Rock of Time if they don't know where it is. Zordon replies you will teleport to the coordinates Alpha is sending now. But beware, the Rock of Time is guarded by Zedd's most powerful monsters from the past. When the Rangers arrive, Goldar is already there. Goldar summons several Putties and Lord Zedd sends down Invenusable Flytrap, Oysterizer, and Dramole. The Rangers defeat the Putties and destroy the monsters. Goldar retreats. The Rangers destroy the Rock of Time with the Power Canon.
Zordon notices something is off with Alpha 5. Alpha 5 admits he is missing the Rangers. Zordon tells Alpha 5 not to worry. Lord Zedd is deep asleep in his rejuvenation chamber. We shouldn't have to worry about any emergencies while the Rangers are gone. Alpha 5 realizes Zordon is right and decides to go for a walk outside. Alpha 5 wanders around outside the Command Center. Alpha 5 notes the land is so barren and thinks it could use some more flowers. Alpha 5 picks up some seeds. Alpha 5 decides to tap into the morphing grid and create some. Alpha 5 drops the soil and seeds onto the ground and a flower grows. Alpha 5 bends down to admire the flower. Two Putties and Finster suddenly appear around Alpha 5. The Putties grab a hold of Alpha 5 as Finster plants a disc into Alpha 5's back. Alpha 5 returns to the Command Center and he is giggling evilly. Zordon immediately notices the unusual behavior and asks him what happened to him outside? Alpha 5 doesn't care what Zordon is detecting and refers to him as a floating head. Alpha 5 tells Zordon to be quiet, he has work to do. In Australia, the teens' communicators go off. Tommy responds by asking Zordon what's up? Alpha 5 tells them morph and teleport to the abandon Spectre Theater in downtown Angel Grove. In the Command Center, Alpha 5 is frantically working at the control panels. Alpha 5 tells the teens once there, wait for further instructions. Zordon asks Alpha 5 what is he doing? Alpha 5 tells him at the moment, shutting down your communicator, so you can't alert the Rangers to my plan. Zordon tells Alpha 5 to stop this at once! What has happened to you? Alpha 5 decides he is going to fix it, so he doesn't have to listen to Zordon either. Zordon tells Alpha 5 he doesn't know what he is doing. The teens can hear there is a problem. Billy asks Alpha 5 if everything is alright and doesn't get an answer. Billy tells his friends something isn't right. Rocky asks Alpha 5 if he is okay? Still no response. Billy tries again, but there is no response. Rocky, Tommy, Aisha, Kimberly, Billy, and Adam become concern. Suddenly Alpha 5 shouts out Rangers, this is an emergency! I will contact you as soon as I can! The teens find a quiet area and morph and teleport to the Spectre Theater. Zordon wants Alpha 5 to tell him what happened to him outside the Command Center. Perhaps I can help. Alpha 5 calls Zordon, Baldy, and tells him he doesn't need his help. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to get the Power Rangers out of there. The theater is a vortex, the Rangers will have no powers in there. Alpha 5 already knows this. Alpha 5 tells Zordon working for him is a real drag. Alpha 5 quits. Zordon tells Alpha 5 this not at all like you. Alpha 5 tells Zordon this is the new Alpha, with a new mission, to see to the destruction of the Power Rangers. Zordon tells Alpha 5 the Rangers don't know their powers won't work in that theater. You must stop this foolishness! Alpha 5 calls Zordon an egghead and tells him he's just getting started. Alpha 5 presses a few buttons and a mustache appears on Zordon's face. Alpha 5 then adds a colorful headband, some hair and then some glasses. Throughout Zordon implores Alpha 5 to reprogram himself and bring the Rangers back. Alpha 5 doesn't want to spoil the party and replies no way. Using the viewing globe, Alpha 5 watches the Rangers struggle against Invenusable Flytrap, Saliguana, Grumble Bee, Dramole, Soccadillo, Eye Guy, and Peckster inside Spectre Theater and he is very gleeful. He calls them Pathetic Rangers - you are all doom. Alpha 5 walks away.
Alpha 5 is watching the viewing globe. Alpha 5 is thrilled that the Power Punks are getting pummel. Alpha 5 exclaims this is better than cable TV! Zordon tells Alpha 5 you knew the Rangers' power would not work in that theater. Why have you put your friends in such danger? Alpha 5 doesn't consider them friends as he walks away from the viewing globe and towards the control panels. Alpha 5 replies teleporting here, teleporting there, having all the fun, getting all the glory! It's my turn to be famous now! I would go down in history as the one who destroyed the Power Rangers! Alpha 5 laughs. After awhile, Alpha 5 has returned to looking at the viewing globe. Bulk and Skull appear in the viewing globe and Alpha 5 notes he had forgotten they were in Australia. On the viewing globe, Skull notices the packages and points this out to Bulk. Bulk and Skull kneel down. They are delighted that the dweebs have forgotten their stuff. Zordon warns Alpha 5 to not get any ideas. You have done enough already. Alpha 5 tells Zordon to be quiet. Alpha 5 walks over to the control panel to send Bulk and Skull to the real down under. Just before their hands reach the packages, Bulk and Skull are teleported to a wild area filled with kangaroos. Alpha 5 is very entertained watching Bulk and Skull run around and thinks he has created his own comedy show. Later, the alarms go off in the Command Center. Alpha 5 yells at the alarm to be quiet and turns it off. Zordon tells Alpha 5 this is serious. The Rangers are needed to do battle with Zedd's giant creatures. Alpha 5 has also had enough of Zordon. Alpha 5 presses some buttons on the control panel. Zordon shouts out you don't know what you are doing! Within a few minutes, Zordon vanishes from the tube. Alpha 5 is thrilled. Quiet at last! Next the end of the Power Rangers! Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord Warrior Mode battle Peckster and Rhinoblaster. It is a difficult battle. Alpha 5 declares he will give them a break alright. Alpha 5 breaks off their power supply. Now they'll find out the bigger they are, the farther they have to fall. Both White Thunderzord Warrior Mode and Thunder Megazord are hit and the Rangers have to eject. Alpha 5 is very happy with what he has done. He refers to the Rangers as mangy Rangers. Alpha 5 then teleports the Rangers back to the theater.
Alpha 5 is gleeful inside the Command Center. Everything is going perfectly. The Rangers are trapped without their powers in the theater and I've shut down that blabber mouth Zordon. Alpha 5 is surprised when the alarms go off. Alpha 5 knows that Lord Zedd has sent down monsters and Putties to guard the Rangers. Alpha 5 decides to take a look at the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows the Rangers are still trapped, with Rhinoblaster and Peckster inside the theater guarding them. Alpha 5 is happy. With the Rangers prisoners of Lord Zedd, and no Zordon, the Command Center will be all mine! Alpha 5 decides he likes this bad guy stuff. After awhile, Alpha 5 enjoys the quiet of the Command Center, without that jabber jaws, Zordon. Alpha 5 feels an electrical shock. He figures something big must be happening on the moon. He is confident Lord Zedd and Rita are cooking up something really nasty. Alpha 5 laughs. Later, laughing, Alpha 5 decides it's time to check on his ex best friends. Alpha 5 looks into the viewing globe. It shows the Rangers fighting Putties. Alpha 5 concludes that Lord Zedd sent them Putties to play with. The Rangers managed to escape Spectre Theater. Soon they were inside the Command Center. Tommy asks Alpha 5 what happened? Where's Zordon? Alpha 5 pretends he doesn't know what they are talking about. Billy notices there is something wrong with Alpha 5. Billy offers to help him, and Alpha 5 tells him he doesn't need his help. Billy doesn't listen and quickly removes the disc that reprogrammed Alpha 5. Billy announces someone reprogrammed him. Alpha 5 immediately returns to normal. Alpha 5 asks what happened? Tommy notes they fixed Alpha 5, but what about Zordon? Billy quickly gets to work on the control panel. Soon Zordon is back. Zordon compliments them, telling them excellent work Rangers. Alpha 5 asks what was the problem? Zordon replies what's important is that Billy has fixed it. Billy acknowledges the gratitude of his friends. Zordon tells them, Rangers, Alpha 5 reprogramming and your imprisonment must have had some purpose. Zordon asks them what else has happened? Tommy replies that Rita and Lord Zedd got married. Zordon tells them, very disturbing news indeed. Together they will be difficult to defeat. The alarm goes off. Alpha 5 panics, monsters attacking! Zordon tells them they must go. Sensors indicate Lord Zedd has made his army of monsters grow and they have entered Angel Grove. Alpha 5 gets to work, downloading the monster's coordinates. Zordon informs the Rangers that their powers have been fully restored, now that they are far from the theater. Nonetheless, you are outnumbered by the monsters. May the power protect you. The teens teleport out. The Rangers, with their Thunder Megazord and White Tiger Zord, they destroy all the monsters. Afterwards, they return to Australia and rejoin their field trip group. At the Command Center, Alpha 5 is looking at the viewing globe and realizes he has forgotten something - Bulk and Skull. The viewing globe shows Bulk and Skull feeding a kangaroo. Skull comments that it looks like our chaperone. Alpha 5 walks over to the control panel and works on getting Bulk and Skull back. Zordon is happy that they were not harmed during their little side trip. Alpha 5 works on getting them to land as gently as a feather. Alpha 5 manages to get Bulk and Skull back safely. Later, in the Command Center, Alpha 5 can't believe he imprison the Power Rangers and de-energized Zordon. Zordon tells him it wasn't him. Believe me, I didn't care for the evil Alpha. Alpha 5 I am who I was again. Alpha 5 becomes confused trying to make himself understood.
Alpha 5 has been watching the viewing globe and he becomes alarmed. Alpha 5 tells Zordon that Tommy is in trouble. (Tommy is facing the Wizard of Deception.) Zordon immediately recognizes the Wizard of Deception as he is an old rival. Alpha 5 quickly gets to work to contact the other Rangers. Zordon urges Alpha 5 to hurry. Alpha 5 is worried about the Wizard of Deception - there is no telling what he will do. Meanwhile, several Zedd's Putties arrive and Tommy immediately starts battling them. Adam, Billy, and Rocky are still sitting at the table. The communicators go off and Billy answers. Billy asks Alpha 5, what is going on? Alpha 5 informs them to teleport to the park. Tommy's in trouble. Adam asks Alpha 5 about Kimberly and Aisha. Alpha 5 replies that he will contact them and urges them to hurry. Rocky tells his friends, lets move. In the Command Center, Alpha 5 informs Zordon that the Rangers are on their way. Zordon warns Alpha 5 that they must be careful. This wizard has the power to create illusions that become reality. Alpha 5 becomes worried - this is terrible! The teens fight and defeat most of Zedd's Putties. Soon the Wizard of Deception disappears. In the Command Center, Alpha 5 has been watching the park through the viewing globe. Alpha 5 informs Zordon that the wizard had disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Zordon replies, that it's not over yet. Unfortunately, all we can do is wait. Alpha 5 hates waiting. Zordon informs the teens, there is nothing at the moment.
Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to activate the viewing globe. He detects a disturbance in the morphing grid. Alpha 5 is stunned when he sees two Tommys in the viewing globe. Zordon tells Alpha 5, now we know what the Wizard of Deception was up to. He has cloned his own Power Ranger. Alpha 5 thinks this is terrible. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to contact the rest of the Rangers and advise them of the situation. Alpha 5 begins immediately, but runs into a problem. The Power Rangers don't appear to be anywhere in Angel Grove. Zordon urges Alpha 5 to keep trying. Alpha 5 expands the search parameters. After awhile, Alpha 5 tells Zordon he can't locate the Rangers anywhere. Zordon tells Alpha 5 he must keep trying. Tommy cannot face this threat alone. Alpha 5 begins to work on the control panel. Green Ranger arrives in the Command Center. Green Ranger thinks the Command Center is a cool setup as he creeps closer to Alpha 5. Alpha 5 turns around, says hi to "Tommy" and then turns back around before he realizes what he has seen. Zordon warns Alpha 5 that is not our Tommy. That's the wizard's Green Ranger creation. Green Ranger tells Zordon he is here to deliver a message. Zordon wants to know what the Wizard of Deception has done to Tommy and the other Rangers? Green Ranger tells him to keep his force field on. Whatever I'm going to tell you, I'll tell you when I'm good and ready. Green Ranger refers to Zordon as old timer and tells him to take a good look. I am the Green Ranger now. There is nothing you can do about it. Zordon tells Green Ranger, don't be so sure of yourself. I demand to know what you have done to the Power Rangers. Green Ranger replies, let's just say wherever they are, history is repeating itself. Zordon warns Green Ranger if any harm has come to them, I'll...Green Ranger is not threatened. What are you going to do? Send that stupid robot after me. Green Ranger teleports out. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to be quick. Did you hear what he said? Alpha 5 walks in and affirms that he did hear the Green Ranger. Zordon concludes that the wizard must have sent them back in time. Alpha 5 immediately begins working on the controls, activating the time processor. Alpha 5 points out unless we can pinpoint the time period they went back to, it could take a very long time to find them. Zordon replies, without more information, we have no choice. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to start at present day and work backwards, scanning for their genetic markers. Alpha 5 is worried that they will not be able to find them. Zordon tells Alpha 5 to have faith, we will. We know the White Ranger is still in the present time. We must locate him. Only he can stop the wizard's Green Ranger. Alpha 5 can't believe what a day this has turned out to be.
Zordon asks Alpha 5 if he is having any luck? Alpha 5 has been watching the viewing globe and he's happy to report, yes. I found Tommy. Zordon asks about the rest of the Rangers? Alpha 5 replies, no, no sign of them yet. The alarm goes off. Alpha 5 becomes alarmed and asks Zordon what is going on? Zordon replies, it's what he has feared most. The Green Ranger is attempting to call out the sleeping Dragonzord. If he is successful, there could be a disaster. Contact Tommy immediately. Tommy is still trying to get his bearings when his communicator goes off. Tommy answers, Zordon come in. Zordon tells Tommy we have an emergency and can't locate the rest of the Rangers. The Green Ranger is calling on the Dragonzord. Once in control, he would use his powers for evil. Tommy replies, I'll do my best to stop him Zordon. Zordon warns Tommy to be very careful and may the power protect you. Zordon tells Alpha 5 that he is very concern about Tommy. Keep continuous visual contact. Alpha 5 works on it immediately. Zordon informs Alpha 5 when the wizard created Green Ranger, he drained Tommy of some of his energy. All of his senses could be effected. Alpha 5 becomes alarmed when the viewing globe shows Tommy falling down some stairs. Alpha 5 exclaims, you were right Zordon! Alpha 5 asks Zordon what are they going to do? Zordon replies, once Tommy morphs into the White Ranger he will be reenergized, but only for a short time. We must find the other Rangers. Alpha 5 agrees, he just wishes he knew where to look. The Wizard of Deception puts an evil spell on Dragonzord. Zordon contacts Tommy and tells him, even though you feel weak, if you can manage to morph, you will be reenergized for a brief time. White Ranger and Green Ranger battle. White Ranger is knocked out of White Tiger Warrior Mode. Zordon tells Alpha 5, White Ranger is growing weak. Alpha 5 exclaims, I can't find the Rangers! Zordon tells him to keep searching, without the other Rangers, the White Ranger will surely be defeated. White Ranger tricks the Green Ranger into revealing the time frame the other teens were sent to. In the Command Center, Alpha 5 is watching the viewing globe. He excitedly tells Zordon, I found them and they are all safe and sound, I think! That was brilliant how Tommy tricked the Green Ranger. Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to contact Tommy immediately. He must gain control of that magic wand. White Ranger goes to the past and rescues his friends. Once they are back to present time, White Ranger defeats the Wizard of Deception, breaking the spell. The spell is also broken for Dragonzord and he is sent back to the ocean. White Ranger briefly returns to the past with Green Ranger, where they defeated and returns the giant rats into regular rats. Green Ranger makes the decision to stay in the past, while White Ranger returns to present time.
Rocky's communicator goes off. Aisha, Billy, Adam, and Kimberly gather close to Rocky. Rocky tells Zordon, we read you Zordon. What's going on? Zordon tells them that Tommy needs their help in the park. Zordon continues, you must go immediately. Kimberly mutters figures as she slams her locker door shut. Rocky, Aisha, Billy, Kimberly, and Adam morph. Unfortunately during the battle, Saba is captured and used against the Rangers. The Rangers retreat. The teens arrive in the Command Center. Billy tells Zordon that Goldar has captured Saba. Tommy immediately blames Kimberly. I could have taken him back if she hadn't gotten in the way. Kimberly replies that his ponytail is too tight. Kimberly and Tommy start to argue until Billy stops them. Billy asks Zordon if it is possible that Kimberly and Tommy are under a spell? That might explain why they are acting so irrationally. Zordon asks Alpha 5 to run a diagnostic scan on them. Alpha 5 does so. Zordon tells Billy his suspicions were correct. Rita has placed them under a powerful spell. Aisha asks what can we do about it? Zordon replies, there is only one solution to this problem. Two bouquet of roses appear on the control panel. Aisha and Billy walk over and pick up the roses. Zordon instructs Kimberly and Tommy to smell the roses. Symbols of love and friendship and they will counteract Rita's spell. Tommy tells Zordon he doesn't mean to be a jerk, but what....Kimberly makes a snide remark, having a hard time not doing that. This leads into another argument between Kimberly and Tommy. Aisha tells them to just do it for the team and passes her bouquet to Tommy. Billy gives his to Kimberly. Tommy tells Kimberly he is only doing this for the Rangers. Kimberly replies, me too. Kimberly and Tommy smell the roses and the spell is broken. Kimberly and Tommy feel instant remorse for the words they have said. Tommy apologizes to Kimberly. Kimberly apologizes as well. Kimberly confesses she said some pretty terrible things. Tommy tells Kimberly, I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that right? Kimberly does. The alarm goes off. The teens gather in front of the viewing globe. Zordon tells them that Rita has appeared in the park with Saba. The viewing globe shows Rita Repulsa dancing, along with Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo. Zordon warns the teens that Rita can now control the Tiger Zord. Tommy remarks they have to try and get Saba back. Billy tells his friends that Saba is made of metal. Maybe Alpha 5 can build a hand held electric magnet that is powerful enough to pull him out of Rita's hands. Alpha 5 is willing to try. Tommy tells his friends to go back in action. He will stay with Alpha 5. Rocky, Aisha, Kimberly, Adam, and Billy teleport out. Tommy has been watching the viewing globe with concern. Alpha 5 passes him the electric magnet and hopes it works. It only has a range of ten yards or so. Zordon warns Tommy to be careful. Tommy replies, I will do my best. Tommy thanks Alpha 5 and teleports out. White Ranger is successful in getting Saba back and this time it's Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt who retreat.
Aisha, Adam, and Billy arrived in the Command Center and tell Zordon how they can't find Kimberly, Rocky, and Tommy. Alpha 5 panics and asks Zordon, where can they be? Zordon tells them, I'm afraid they have fallen into a dangerous trap set by Lord Zedd and Rita. Those two have become a formidable team. Billy tries to track their signal from their communicators. Zordon thinks that's an excellent idea. Aisha and Adam hover over Billy. Aisha tells Billy to hurry. I'm getting worried. Billy works on trying to lock on their signal. Soon, Billy announces that he has found them. They should be coming up on the viewing globe. Aisha, Billy, and Adam walk over to the viewing globe and sees their friends there. Aisha notes they are in trouble. Adam wonders where they are? Billy asks Zordon if he can pinpoint their location? Zordon replies the exact location is difficult to obtain. Their signal tells me they are in the middle of a story book. But it doesn't give me the location of the book itself. Alpha 5 tells Zordon this story needs to be rewritten and fast. Alpha 5 exclaims, this will never be a best seller! Adam and Aisha have been keeping an eye on their friends, via the viewing globe. Aisha asks Billy, what's going on? Billy replies, their morphers are experiencing hyper thermal malfunctioning - frozen. Aisha asks if there is any way they can get inside the book and help? Billy is not sure. He would have to analyze the book himself. Adam thinks by the time they find it, it will be too late.
On the viewing globe, the Snow Monster warns Tommy, Kimberly, and Rocky that this will teach you to trespass in my valley. Aisha, Billy, and Adam are very worried for their friends. Adam wonders if his friends are okay. Billy replies, it's impossible to tell from here. Aisha tells the guys they can't give up. We got to find the book and figure out a way to get into it. Adam asks Zordon, if he can tell them where it is? Zordon has just located the book. It's with all the others back at the high school book fair. Alpha 5 panics. That could take hours to find. Aisha adds, who knows what Lord Zedd and Rita will do by then. Aisha, Billy, and Adam head off for the book fair where they successfully find the book and quickly return back to the Command Center. Billy scans the story book. He can't figure out a way to alter their molecular structure. The alarm goes off. Aisha asks Zordon, what is going on? Zordon replies, there's trouble in Angel Grove Park, behold the viewing globe. Adam comments, I don't think I'm ready for more trouble. Alpha 5, Aisha, Billy, and Adam all go over to the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows Bulk and Skull up in a tree with a monster just underneath them. Alpha 5 and Billy wonder what is that thing on the ground. Adam replies, a Thanksgiving nightmare. Zordon informs them it's the Turkey Jerk monster created by Bulk and Skull to lure you into the park so they can unmask you. Alpha 5, Aisha, Billy, and Adam turn around and face Zordon. Zordon continues, Bulk and Skull didn't know that Rita and Zedd would bring the monster to life. Rita and Zedd have also equipped it with powerful weapons that can destroy Angel Grove. Aisha, frustrated, comments that Bulk and Skull never learn. Zordon tells them they must first defeat the Turkey Jerk monster before it destroys the city. Then you can rescue the other Rangers. Aisha, Billy, and Adam morph and teleport out. After defeating Turkey Jerk with the Power Cannon, Aisha, Billy, and Adam teleport back to the Command Center. Billy is looking through the book. Billy notes the story is rewriting itself as Tommy and the others go through it. Aisha asks, they are trying to get out? Billy replies that it appears that way. Adam points out that the story is over when those toys are delivered to the orphan children. Maybe if we can help with that, we can get the other Rangers out. Zordon thinks it's an excellent idea. However, I can't locate the frequency to enable you to teleport into the book. Aisha gets an idea. Aisha asks Alpha 5 to get her some colored pencils. Alpha 5 promptly gives them to Aisha and she quickly starts drawing in the book. Aisha tells her friends, I'll draw the toys and then Grumble will have them to deliver to the children. Aisha, Billy, and Adam are thrilled to see that it worked. They followed the pages as they follow their friends. Adam only hopes they make it to the end. The alarms go off in the Command Center. Alpha 5 tells them, Zedd and Rita have taken Mondo the Magician out of the story book and set him loose on Angel Grove. Billy picks up the book stares through the hole in the page. He is concern that Rocky, Tommy, and Kimberly have not returned yet. Suddenly they appear. Tommy asks, did you miss us? Aisha confirms that they did. Aisha also tells them that Rita and Zedd have taken Mondo out of the story book. Rocky replies, we better get busy then. The six teens morph and teleport out. The Rangers destroy Mondo the Magician with Thunder Megazord and White Tiger Zord Warrior Mode.
Aisha, Billy, Tommy, Rocky, and Adam arrive in the Command Center. They immediately notice that Kimberly is missing. Tommy asks Alpha 5, what happened to Kimberly? Alpha 5 is worried and replies, her teleport signal accidentally got sweep into a time hole. Rocky is puzzled, a time hole? Billy explains, a tear in the fabric of time. If someone falls through it, they could end up in the past or the future. Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Tommy, and Billy walk over to the viewing globe. The viewing globe shows the time hole. Billy comments that for some reason, this time hole is located near the lockers at the Youth Center. Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Tommy, and Billy keep watching the viewing globe. Tommy asks, what's happening to the time hole? Adam thinks it's disappearing. Alpha 5 informs them that it is not disappearing. The time hole turns invisible when not in use. Tommy is really worried. Kimberly is lost somewhere in time. We don't even know where. Alpha 5 tells them, he is trying to locate her, but time holes form randomly in the universe. Time streams are unpredictable. Billy is working at the controls. Tommy asks if he has had any luck locating Kimberly? Billy is having trouble moving his signal through the time barrier. Billy decides to try something else and after working a few moments, is confident something will turn up on the viewing globe. Aisha, Tommy, Rocky, Billy, Alpha 5 and Adam walk over to the viewing globe. An image of Kimberly's face appears on the viewing globe. Tommy is very happy to see her, but then the viewing globe goes blank. Adam asks, what happened? Billy is not sure. He thinks he might need to check the power transformer. We may need to increase the voltage surge to carry an ongoing signal. Billy goes back to work at the controls and soon locates Kimberly. He tells his friends that Kimberly is in Angel Grove, just in 1880. Tommy is eager to go rescue Kimberly. The alarms go off. Alpha 5 tells them that Goldar and his goons are headed straight for the time hole. Aisha, Tommy, Rocky, Adam, and Billy walk over to the viewing globe. It shows Goldar, Needlenose, and several Putties walking towards the time hole. Billy concludes the monster was created by Lord Zedd from Kimberly's cactus. Zordon warns the teens if Zedd's monster destroys Angel Grove in 1880, it will alter Angel Grove's future and all of you will disappear because you have never been born. Alpha 5 adds, you must stop Zedd's monster from reaching the time hole! Tommy agrees. If the monster goes back in time, no one will be able to stop it. We have to get there before it does. Aisha asks, what's going to happen to Kimberly? Adam adds, we just can't leave her there. Tommy replies, we just have to hope she's okay until we can get to her. Adam, Rocky, Tommy, Aisha, and Billy morph and teleport out. Unfortunately Goldar and Needlenose make it to the time hole before the Rangers can stop them. The five Rangers return to the Command Center. Tommy tells Zordon, we blew it. Kimberly's trapped in the past. Zordon tells them it's not time to give up hope. Aisha agrees. If Goldar and the monster won, our world would already be destroyed. Alpha 5 concludes that Kimberly must have defeated the monster. Zordon tells him no. I have no evidence to base that conclusion. Billy points out it's a paradox. Our world won't change until Kimberly battles the monster in her time. Tommy tells his friends, there must be some way to help her.
Rangers Back In Time, Part II/The Wedding, Part I/The Wedding, Part II
The Wedding, Part III/Return Of The Green Ranger, Part I/Return Of The Green Ranger, Part II
Return Of The Green Ranger, Part III/Best Man For The Job/Storybook Rangers, Part I
Storybook Rangers, Part II/Wild West Rangers, Part I