Miss Alicia - Karan Ashley
Miss Alicia is an ancestor of Aisha. She lived during the 1880's. Miss Alicia was in the saloon when her friends Abraham and Rocko brought in a young girl. When the young girl woke up, she was very confused. (The young girl was Kimberly, who had got caught in a time hole in the Youth Center and traveled back into the past.) William joined his friends at the table as Abraham introduced the group - William, Miss Alicia, and Rocko. Kimberly is very confused. She asks, where am I? Another man responses - Angel Grove's finest, Ernest's Juice Saloon. We serve the best fruit juices in the west. Ernst serves several fruit juices to their table. Abraham explains that he and Rocko haul her in after the White Stranger saved us. Kimberly thinks the White Stranger can help and asks where is he? Abraham replies, I don't know. No one knows. He just kind of appears whenever we need help. Miss Alicia asks Kimberly where she got her clothes? Kimberly replies, at the mall. Miss Alicia has no idea what a mall is. Kimberly thinks she needs some air. Ernst responds by telling everyone to give her some room. Kimberly gets up and stumbles out. She is stunned by what she sees outside. It's a western town, est. 1880. All the people are dressed in western gear and give her strange looks. Kimberly can't believe it. Kimberly walks down the dirt road, a little dazed by what she is seeing. Moments later, Miss Alicia, William, Abraham, and Rocko step out of the saloon and see that Kimberly is wandering along the street confused. They walk up to her and Abraham asks Kimberly if everything is alright? Instead of answering, Kimberly asks them if it is really 1880? Miss Alicia confirms that it is. Kimberly is blown away and tells them she needs to sit down. They all walk with her over to a bench. Once there, William tells Kimberly that she has them at a disadvantage. You know our names, but we don't know yours. Kimberly considers for awhile and tells them her name is Calamity Kim. Miss Alicia and Rocko smile. William shakes her hand, telling her it's a pleasure to meet her. A man comes running down, warning to clear the streets. It's One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch! Everyone panics and hides, except for William and Kimberly. Doc Skullovitch and One-Eyed Bulk walk up to William and Kimberly. One-Eyed Bulk tells everyone to come out, this is a stick-up. Miss Alicia, Rocko, and Abraham come out of their hiding places with their hands in the air. Only Kimberly has her hands down, but One-Eyed Bulk orders her to put her hands up and she does. Doc Skullovitch notices the "charm bracelet" on Kimberly's wrist. Doc Skullovitch removes the "bracelet" despite Kimberly's protests not to touch it. Doc Skullovitch holds the "bracelet" and it sends pink electric currents through him. Doc Skullovitch drops the "bracelet". One-Eyed Bulk demands their money. Doc Skullovitch whispers in his ear. One-Eyed Bulk adds and a little juice. Doc Skullovitch threatens them with an or else! Kimberly asks, or else what? One-Eyed Bulk can't come up with a good threat. Kimberly kicks the guns out of their hands. One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch become frighten and back away. One-Eyed Bulk lands in the horse trough. Abraham leads Doc Skullovitch away, telling him he is going straight to the jail house. Rocko pulls One-Eyed Bulk out of the trough and leads him to the jail house as well. Miss Alicia, Kimberly, and William laugh. William picks up Kimberly's "bracelet" and gives it to her with the comment this is a rather impressive device. You're not from around here, are you? Kimberly decides it's time to tell them the truth. They all meet inside Ernest's Juice Saloon. Kimberly concludes her story. Miss Alicia, William, Rocko, and Abraham are in disbelief. William comments, Power Rangers and monsters, hun? William asks Kimberly if she is trying to hornswoggle him? Kimberly has no idea what William is talking about. A man enters the saloon and tells everyone to come quick! Miss Alicia, William, Kimberly, Rocko, and Abraham head outside with the rest of the patrons. Kimberly is upset when she sees Putties overrunning the town. William holds up his monocle to take a closer look and concludes that it is true. Citizens are running everywhere as they try to get away from Zedd's Putties. Kimberly comments, what's next? Needlenose and Goldar appear from the time hole. Goldar declares, take cover cause there's a new top gun in town - Lord Zedd!
Goldar declares your new masters want to welcome you to your new town of Zedd and Ritaville. Kimberly tells Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko let's get out of here before Goldar spots us. William asks, that's Goldar? Goldar notices them. Kimberly tells them to run! Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko take off. After awhile, outside of town, Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko run towards Kimberly. William shouts out, Calamity Kim! We thought you were buzzard bait. Miss Alicia asks if she is okay? Kimberly replies, that she's fine. Abraham asks if those monsters are really from the future? Kimberly replies, unfortunately, yes. Rocko wants to know how are we going to get rid of them? Kimberly was hoping you would ask that. Kimberly opens the small chest she is carrying and inside are four power coins. Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko don't know what to make of the power coins. William tells Kimberly, he doesn't know. We're not heroes. Kimberly tells them, when I first got my power coin, I thought that too. Guys, you got to believe in yourselves. Abraham, Miss Alicia, William, Rocko, we're the only ones who can stand between Lord Zedd and the destruction of this earth. Rocko immediately states, he's in. William adds, me too. Kimberly knew she could count on them. Kimberly leads Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko through what seems to be an empty town. Kimberly cautions them to just keep your eyes open and stay near me. Rocko thinks the varmints have left town. Kimberly replies, I wouldn't count on it. They are here somewhere. The five continue down the road. After a few more moments, William thinks they really have gone. Kimberly remarks, William, Goldar never gives up that easily. There is a strange sound and Miss Alicia asks, what was that? Kimberly easily recognizes the sound - Zedd's Putties. Suddenly Zedd's Putties jump out of their hiding places and surround the five teens. Kimberly tells her new friends to get behind her. Zedd's Putties move in closer and the teens separate. Kimberly battles a Putty with a swift kick. Rocko uses a wash basin to battle another group of Zedd's Putties. Miss Alicia and Abraham incorporate dance moves to fight their batch of Zedd's Putties. William manages to get a Putty to fall. The rest of Zedd's Putties step on the Putty's back as they chase after William. Kimberly continues to battle her batch of Zedd's Putties. Goldar appears behind her. Goldar states, well Miss Kimmy, your pathetic power imposters couldn't fight tooth decay, much less Zedd's Putties. Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko gather around Kimberly. Goldar continues by telling Kimberly, why don't you just sit a spell while I consolidate my master's control of the world. Goldar laughs and vanishes. Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko become alarmed. Kimberly tries to protect her new friends as Zedd's Putties run in circles around them. Miss Alicia is the first to spot the White Stranger racing towards them. Abraham comments, just in time. White Stranger gets off his horse and immediately fights Zedd's Putties. After defeating several, White Stranger walks over to them. A Putty gets behind Kimberly. White Stranger spots him and hits him. Kimberly starts to fall, but White Stranger catches her. White Stranger tells them, if you need me again, just holler. I'll be here. Goldar and Needlenose appear. Zedd's Putties go over to Goldar and Needlenose. Goldar can't believe they are still here. It's time you all got out of town and don't come back! Kimberly replies, for once you're right Goldar. Kimberly tells her new friends, it's time. Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, Kimberly, and Rocko morph. The Rangers race forward into battle. White Stranger battles a batch of Zedd's Putties as well. Blue Ranger battles another batch of Zedd's Putties. Red Ranger has fun as he plays Toro Toro with his batch of Zedd's Putties. Yellow Ranger battles another set of Zedd's Putties. Black Ranger battles a batch of Zedd's Putties, but he is disappointed that Zedd's Putties messed up his boots. Eventually Zedd's Putties are destroyed. The Rangers and White Stranger gather together and face down Goldar and Needlenose. Needlenose shoots one of it's spores and it hits White Stranger. He is immediately paralyzed and falls to the ground. Pink Ranger drags him to safety and the Rangers stand in front of him. Needlenose is ready to fire another spore. Goldar exclaims enough! This is the final showdown Miss Kimmy. When my spiny friend and I are through with you, Angel Grove's past will be destroyed and your friends in the future will vanish forever! When I count to three, draw! Goldar starts counting. The Rangers fired their Blade Blasters. The force sends Goldar and Needlenose back through the time hole. Pink Ranger asks White Stranger if he is okay? White Stranger is much better. Pink Ranger demorphs and they join Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko out in the street. Everyone is in high spirits. Soon Miss Alicia, Abraham, and William start dancing, to the amusement of Kimberly. Kimberly was able to return to her timeline. Later that day, Miss Alicia, Abraham, William, and Rocko are excitedly talking about their adventure as White Ranger walks past them. He pauses when he hears Abraham comment, being a Power Ranger was the most exciting thing we've ever done. Miss Alicia wonders if we'll ever do it again? Rocko doesn't know, but he is ready. Abraham asks, what do you think was the most exciting part? Those clay heads? The monkey with wings? Miss Alicia thinks it's the walking cactus. William comments, you know, somewhere in the future, Calamity Kim is out there fighting, making sure the Earth is safe for our great, great, great, great grandchildren. White Strange comments, she's something alright. White Stranger tips his hat to them and walks away. William leads a toast to the Pink Ranger.
Wild West Rangers, Part I
Wild West Rangers, Part II