One-Eyed Bulk - Paul Schrier

One-Eyed Bulk is an ancestor of Bulk.  He was an outlaw who lived in Angel Grove during the 1880's.  One-Eyed Bulk's partner and friend was Doc Skullovitch.  The pair had made plans to rob a stagecoach.  They rode to the area on donkeys.  They soon spotted a stagecoach and started heading towards it.  When stagecoach got close to One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch, they held it up.  The two men on the stagecoach, Rocko and Abraham, held up their hands.  One-Eyed Bulk warned, no one tries anything funny and no one gets hurt.  Another cowboy, dressed in white, came riding up on his horse.  The White Stranger asked if someone here was about to call for help?  One-Eyed Bulk immediately recognized the White Stranger.  One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch fired their guns.  Instead of bullets, a small flag with the word "BANG" dropped from their guns.  White Stranger suggested that maybe they should look for another line of work.  One-Eyed Bulk was angry that Doc Skullovitch had brought the wrong guns.  Doc Skullovitch apologized, but One-Eyed Bulk was still angry.  One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch rode away.   Later, One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch were in town.  They are hiding behind some crates.  One-Eyed Bulk notices the strange girl (Kimberly had been transported back in time through a time hole, had witnessed the attempted robbery) and the varmints with the payroll.  Doc Skullovitch comments they are sitting there like sitting....he can't think of how it ends.  One-Eyed Bulk finishes it for him, like sitting ducks.  One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch go back into their hiding place.  Soon a man comes running down, warning to clear the streets.  It's One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch!  Everyone panics and hides, except for Kimberly and William.  One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch walk up to Kimberly and William.  One-Eyed Bulk tells everyone to come out, this is a stick-up.  Miss Alicia, Rocko, and Abraham come out of their hiding places with their hands in the air.  Only Kimberly has her hands down, but One-Eyed Bulk orders her to put her hands up and she does. Doc Skullovitch notices the "charm bracelet" on Kimberly's wrist.  Doc Skullovitch removes the "bracelet" despite Kimberly's protests not to touch it.  Doc Skullovitch holds the "bracelet" and it sends pink electric currents through him.  Doc Skullovitch drops the "bracelet".  One-Eyed Bulk demands their money.  Doc Skullovitch whispers in his ear.  One-Eyed Bulk adds and a little juice.  Doc Skullovitch threatens them with an or else!  Kimberly asks, or else what?  One-Eyed Bulk can't come up with a good threat.  Kimberly kicks the guns out of their hands.  One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch become frighten and back away.  One-Eyed Bulk lands in the horse trough.  Abraham leads Doc Skullovitch away, telling him he is going straight to the jail house.  Rocko pulls One-Eyed Bulk out of the trough and leads him to the jail house as well. 

One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch did not stay too long in jail.  Doc Skullovitch broke out with ease and soon helped One-Eyed Bulk escape, as he was having more difficulty slipping through the jail bars.  After he helped One-Eyed Bulk escape, Doc Skullovitch fell backward by what he saw - which was the Pink Ranger (which they called Pink Stranger) fighting putties, Needlenose, and Goldar.  One-Eyed Bulk then decided he and Doc would become famous if they could discover the identity of Pink Ranger.  The two used divining rod that detected water.  Since humans have water in their body, they figured they could find the Pink Stranger's identity that way.  This plan did not work.  Pink Stranger and her new Rangers destroyed the putties.  They also sent Goldar and Needlenose back through the time hole.  One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch were captured once more by White Stranger.  Kimberly was returned to her own time.  Afterwards, One-Eyed Bulk and Doc Skullovitch were sweeping in front of the Juice Saloon as part of their jail service.

Wild West Rangers, Part I