Danny is a student from Tommy's karate class. After practice, the guys were hungry. Danny wanted a double cheeseburger, fries and a shake. Tommy reminded Danny that what you put in your body is very important. Danny changed his order to match Tommy's more healthy choice. Danny and Tommy joined the table that Aisha and Rocky were sitting at. They all watch as Skull ordered an enormous meal and then proceed to eat it. Danny was stunned when a couple minutes later, Tommy grabbed Skull's platter and began eating it. Danny thought Tommy was a fake and told him so. He left the juice bar in total disgust. Danny returned to the juice bar later and was playing some video games. Tommy went to talk to him. At first, Danny wanted nothing to do with him and told him so and that he was quitting karate. Tommy told him that he was his best student and that he had made some mistakes. Tommy also told him that he should believe in himself. Danny agreed to continue with his karate.
Rita's Pita