EAGLE is an international secret defense organization.  It was created to protect the world from the Black Cross Army.  In Japan, EAGLE has several branches,  Kanto Branch, Tohoku Branch, in Uyu Mountain, Kyushu Branch, Hokkaido Branch,  Kansai Branch.  The branches are operated by numerous servicemen and women.  Unfortunately all five branches were successfully attacked by Black Cross Army.  With numerous buildings destroyed and a large loss of servicemen and women, EAGLE needed to plan a stronger defense.  EAGLE recruited the surviving members of the attacks and trained them to become Gorengers.  In addition, the Gorengers were given powerful weapons, suits, Gorengers machines (motorcycles with weapons), aircraft (Variblune) and a secret base to operate out of.  In their first mission against Black Cross Army, the Gorengers successfully rescue young children trapped on a bus and destroyed Gold Mask - a member of the Black Cross Army.

Several trucks were driving along a dirt road.  It was EAGLE.  They were transporting building materials.  As they drove along, one of EAGLE's officers notice a strange green gas ahead of them.  Soon the gas engulfed the trucks.  The EAGLE soldiers had a difficult time breathing.  They quickly pulled off the road and jumped out of their vehicles armed.  In the smoky haze, Poison Gas Mask appeared.  One EAGLE solider fired at Poison Gas Mask, but it did nothing.  Several Zolders appeared over a ledge and they fired at the soldiers.  The EAGLE officer fired several times at Poison Gas Mask but nothing happened.  Poison Gas Mask pulled out his weapon and fired and struck the EAGLE officer along with the rest of the EAGLE soldiers. 

The Crimson Sun! the Invincible Gorengers


Green Anger, Immortal Gas-Person













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