Birds Of A Feather - Page Five

Yellow Ranger notes, he's helpless.   Black Ranger shouts out, Jase, the Dragon flute!  Although Cardiatron still has him in his grip, Red Ranger begins playing the Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord continues to lay on the ground.  Cardiatron tells Red Ranger it's no use.  Your silly flute is no match for Rita's evil power.  Red Ranger is not about to give up.  He yells out, Dragonzord power!  This is enough to break the spell Dragonzord is under.  Dragonzord quickly gets back up and is able to move freely.  At the Moon Palace, Rita is not happy.  She tells Baboo, Squatt, Scorpina, and Goldar those power brats got lucky.  Meanwhile, Megazord grabs a hold of Hatchasaurus.  Dragonzord walks over and uses it's tail to strike Hatchasaurus.  This knocks Red Ranger and Cardiatron out.  The rest of the Rangers are stun to see Cardiatron.  Cardiatron tells Red Ranger, he cannot defeat him.  Red Ranger leaps over to him with the Dragon Dagger and Power Sword drawn.  One of Cardiatron's tentacles grabs Red Ranger.  While in his grasp, Cardiatron fires at Red Ranger.  Red Ranger is knocked down.  Red Ranger gets back up.  Red Ranger runs towards Cardiatron with both weapons drawn.  Red Ranger strikes Cardiatron with the Power Sword and then the Dragon Dagger.  Cardiatron is destroyed.  Red Ranger is ready to destroy Hatchasaurus.  Red Ranger summons Titanus and Ultrazord is formed.  Hatchasaurus charges towards Ultrazord.  Ultrazord fires all weapons and Hatchasaurus is destroyed.  At the Moon Palace, Rita cries out, I hate the Power Rangers!  At the Youth Center, Zack checks the chart for the competition.  Zack is very excited as he walks over to his friends.  He tells Jason, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy that Cameron made it to the highest martial arts level.  Trini, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason are very happy for Cameron.  Zack is concern that Cameron might be mad at him for leaving him yesterday.  Kimberly is confident everything will be okay.  Trini notices Cameron has entered and points him out to Zack.  Zack walks over to Cameron.  Cameron is not happy about seeing Zack.  Zack apologizes for having to bail yesterday and promises to be here for the rest of the competition.  Cameron accepts his apology and is happy to have Zack back in his corner.  Zack tells him, he will do great.  I know you will.  Bulk, Skull, and Biff have entered and overheard the conversation.  Bulk remarks, in your dreams.  Biff will make mincemeat out of that cream puff!  Zack tells Cameron to not let them psych him.  Bulk has Biff demonstrate his skills on the punching bag.  Biff does an impressive job.  Cameron becomes a little concern.  Bulk and Skull laugh as they walk away with Biff.  Zack tells Cameron to just stick with the fight plan and you will do great.  














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