Clean-Up Club - Page Five
As the Megazord flies through the air, Polluticorn shoots lightening out of it's eyes and hits Megazord. Megazord manages to get back up on it's feet. The Rangers summon the power sword. Megazord leaps through the air towards Polluticorn. Megazord strikes Polluticorn with it's power sword and Polluticorn is destroyed.
At the Moon Palace, Rita is very upset and claims she has a headache. Goldar is with her. He vows that one day we will make those Power Rangers pay!
The Youth Center is busy with it's recycling drive. Billy, Trini, Kimberly, Jason, and Zack sit at the counter and listen to the TV announcer talk about Angel Grove's latest attack by Rita. Once again, the amazing Power Rangers, have saved our city and the world from one of Rita Repulsa's monsters. After a lengthy battle, the Power Rangers and their zords were able to defeat the beast just before it attacked downtown Angel Grove. No people were reported injured. The teens are very pleased over the glowing news report. Ernie gets their attention by telling them there is more recycling to do. Billy, Kimberly, Trini, Zack, and Jason quickly get to work. Moments later, Billy stacks aluminum cans and announces that makes over five hundred. Kimberly and Trini work on the plastic bottles. Zack and Jason on the newspapers. Zack exclaims we just saved a redwood! Skull films Bulk as he walks into the Youth Center rolling a tire. Skull gives him direction, remember you want to help. Bulk snaps at Skull, telling him he knows his lines. Bulk states I always like to help out with the recycling drive. He rolls the tire and it knocks against Skull. Skull falls into the pile of newspapers and subsequently knocks over the pile of plastic bottles as well. Bulk laughs and walks forward, stepping into the tire and tripping himself. Bulk stumbles around and eventually falls into the pile of aluminum cans. Skull quickly scoots over and films Bulk. Bulk threatens to pound Skull. Skull points out he's still filming. Bulk tells the camera, I think, whenever possible, everything should be recycled. Bulk crushes the aluminum can he is holding and throws it at Skull. Bulk then falls back onto the floor.
The next day, at Angel Grove High School, Miss Appleby is impatiently waiting for the video presentation by Bulk and Skull. Bulk gets a little nervous until Skull finally walks into the classroom with the tape. Skull announces he just finished editing it. Skull walks over to Miss Appleby and pretends to give her the tape a couple of times before she finally grabs it out of his hands. Miss Appleby tells the class, this will be very interesting. Miss Appleby puts in the tape as Skull walks to his seat. Bulk tells Miss Appleby, I'm sure it will be an award winning project. Bulk asks Skull how does it look. Skull reassures him, there are a few glitches, but nothing to worry about. Bulk is very relieved. The tape starts to play and it depicts Bulk in very mishap they had while filming. Bulk becomes alarmed and Skull gets worried as the tape continues to play. Zack and Trini and the rest of the class can't stop laughing. Soon Billy, Kimberly, and Jason join in the laughter as well. Bulk threatens Skull, but Skull gets him to calm down.