Doomsday, Part II - Page Five

Lokar fires at Dragonzord in Fighting Mode.  Dragonzord in Fighting Mode falls on top of a building.  Red Ranger summons Titanus.  Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed.  Red Ranger tells Lokar and Cyclopsis, you two have had it!  Lokar laughs at them.  Ultrazord fires it's weapons.  Cyclopsis starts to overload with all the changes.  Goldar is furious.  Ultrazord continues to fire at Cyclopsis.  Goldar abandons ship.  Cyclopsis is destroyed.  (Lokar vanished - whereabouts unknown.)  The Rangers leap out of Ultrazord.

Rita is furious.  She screams, I can't stand it! Fearfully, Baboo covers his face.  Baboo tells her he certainly regrets her displeasure.  Squatt tells her it wasn't his fault, he was asleep.  Finster defends himself.  You can't blame me.  This time it's all Goldar's fault.  Goldar screams, never mind that!  Rita, get us out of here before the Ultrazord blasts us!  Rita laughs.  The Moon Palace heads back up into space.  Finster, Goldar, Scorpina, Baboo, and Squatt join her on the balcony.  Rita yells at Goldar to never tell her what to do again! 

The citizens of Angel Grove start to reappear in the park.  Everyone is excited to be back.  Bulk and Skull reappear on the stage.  They scream, we're back!  They are so grateful to be back, they begin kissing the stage floor.  Mayor Carrington walks up on the stage and shoos them away.  Ernie very excitedly points out that the Power Rangers have arrived.  Miss Appleby exclaims, my heroes.  Mr. Caplan comes to the conclusion that they must have saved us.  The citizens begin to applaud and cheer.  Mayor Carrington asks the crowd to clear the way for the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers walk through the crowd as they make their way towards the stage.  Bulk and Skull are very disappointed over the crowds' reaction.  Skull asks, what about us?  Three young boys in the crowd, start to argue over who is the best Power Ranger.  One boy tells them, Red Ranger is the strongest.  Another boy disagrees, Black Ranger is more powerful.  Yet another boy pipes in and says the Blue Ranger is the coolest.  A young girl walks up to them and tells them she thinks the Pink and Yellow Rangers are the best.  Tommy overhears their conversation and tells them, I'll let you guys in on a little secret.  They all are totally awesome.  Each Ranger makes a point of clasping Tommy's hand as they pass.  The Power Rangers walk up on stage.  Mayor Carrington tells the crowd, as the mayor of Angel Grove city, it is with great pride I stand here before you in the presence of true heroes.  They have risked their lives countless times for the safety of our city and it's people.  They are true examples of good triumphing over evil and now it is time to thank them.  They are the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers step forward on stage and wave as the crowd erupts in cheers. 














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