Green With Evil, Part II - Page Three
Rita is ready to give Tommy the Sword of Darkness so that he can be hers forever. Goldar tells Rita the Sword of Darkness is something Tommy must earn. Goldar suggests a test of strength against the Putties. Baboo states that's a wonderful idea. Baboo asks if they can watch it? Rita tells him yes. Rita wants them all to go down to Earth and watch her Green Ranger. Goldar tells them once he has the Sword of Darkness, Rita will be able to control Green Ranger's every move forever.
Rita, Goldar, Finster, Baboo, and Squatt walk along a path that leads to a beach. Rita is eager to see her Ranger. Tommy arrives on the beach. Tommy refers to Rita as Empress and tells her you summon me, I am yours to command. Tommy is eager to crush the Power Rangers. Goldar, Baboo, Squatt, Finster, and Rita are standing on a cliff above Tommy. Goldar tells Tommy patience. You must first meet a challenge, using only your skills and no weapons. You must defeat the Putties and then you will receive the Sword of Darkness. Rita asks Tommy if he is prepared? Rita uses her wand and Tommy is teleported to a different part of the beach. Tommy is alone and looks around. Suddenly he is surrounded by Putties. Tommy is eager to battle the Putties and leaps into the fight. Rita, Goldar, Baboo, Squatt and Finster watch the battle. Rita encourages Tommy to continue to battle. Tommy battles the Putties with all his might and skill. Goldar is pleased with Tommy's performance. Tommy continues to defeat one Putty after another. Tommy pauses for a moment. He is so consume with rage, his fist shakes as he looks at it. There is one Putty left. Tommy takes a running leap towards the Putty. Tommy flips the Putty over and defeats him. Tommy gets up as the Putties lay on the beach. The Putties soon vanish. Tommy laughs evilly - pleased with his own success. Tommy tells Rita you command and I obey. Rita is very happy. Baboo tells him welcome to the club. Rita teleports the Sword of Darkness into Tommy's hands. Tommy tests out the sword with a few moves. Tommy laughs again at how well the sword moves. Tommy vows the Power Rangers will be destroyed and the Red Ranger will be the first to go. Green flashes shoot out of the Sword of Darkness as Tommy laughs once more.