Green With Evil, Part III - Page Five

Green Ranger angrily replies Jason was teleported out!  Goldar doesn't accept that excuse - you had more than enough time.  Green Ranger wants another chance.  Goldar grudgingly tells Green Ranger you may get another chance, but for now you must remain where you are.  In the Command Center, Jason fills in his friends what had happened to him.  Jason tells them it all started at school.  He had finished talking to Tommy and the next thing I know...Kimberly interrupts him.  Both Kimberly and Zack are puzzled.  Zack tells Jason that Tommy told them he had never showed.  Jason thinks that is weird, but continues with his story.  The next thing Jason knows he's fighting with Goldar and Goldar has his power morpher.  Then the Green Ranger shows up and we went at it.  Billy asks Jason if he found out any more information on the Green Ranger?  Jason tells them Green Ranger is one mean fighter.  Zack can't believe that their enemy this time is another Ranger.  The alarms go off.  Trini asks what's happening?  Alpha 5 instructs them to watch the viewing globe.  There is a new villain.  Alpha 5 informs them this is Scorpina.  Alpha 5 hasn't seen her in over 10,000 years.  Zack notices she is launching an attack on the warehouse district of Angel Grove.  Trini states we got to stop her.  Alpha 5 wishes them good luck.  Alpha 5 also warns them to beware of Scorpina's sting.  Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason morph and teleport to the warehouse district.  Scorpina launches an attack on them as soon as they arrive.  Scorpina blasts them and then summons several Putties to attack  the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers battle the Putties.  At the Moon Palace, Rita laughs.  She thinks the battle is grand and is thrilled, that for once, we are winning.  Goldar points out that although Scorpina is a great warrior, she greatly outnumbered and must be called back before it is too late.  Baboo asks if they can go watch it?  Back in Angel Grove, Red Ranger battles Scorpina.  Scorpina knocks Red Ranger to the ground.  The rest of the Rangers race over to make sure he is okay.  Scorpina laughs.  At the Moon Palace, Rita is applying some makeup as Squatt holds a mirror for her.  Baboo is fanning Rita.  Rita asks Squatt if she is prettier?  Squatt promptly replies that Rita is much more prettier than Scorpina.  Baboo adds that you are by far the most beautiful.  Angry voices filled the room as Goldar and Scorpina enter. 














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