Gung Ho! - Page Four

Tommy notices Titanus and points him out to Jason.  Titanus starts firing at them.  Jason and Tommy manage to avoid the blasts.  Boulders start tumbling down the hill towards them.  Tommy and Jason manage to jump out of the way of the boulders.  Jason and Tommy find a relatively safe place.  Tommy asks what is that thing?  Jason doesn't have an answer for him.  Jason and Tommy morph.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger he'll take care of that land lizard.  Green Ranger tells him to wait for him.  Titanus continues to fire at the two Rangers.  They are knocked off their feet and roll down the hill.  Red Ranger asks Green Ranger if he is okay?  Green Ranger is.  Green Ranger points out that if they don't get to the top of the hill soon, our friends will be finished.  Red Ranger tells Green Ranger he's got the strength to get up the hill faster than him, but you're better with a sword than I am.  If we work together we can beat this thing.  Red Ranger gives Green Ranger the Power Sword.  Green Ranger agrees - it's time for some gung ho.  Green Ranger tells Red Ranger to take the hill, he'll cover him.  Green Ranger can't let Red Ranger go unprotected.  Green Ranger transfers his shield onto Red Ranger.  Red Ranger thanks him.  Green Ranger tells him they're partners, right?  Get up there and get those weapons!  Green Ranger takes off to face Titanus.  Red Ranger begins the climb up the hill.  Titanus is occupied with Green Ranger firing at him with the Power Sword.  Titanus fires back at Green Ranger.    Red Ranger sees Green Ranger fall and is concern.  Green Ranger tells him he is okay, keep going.  Red Ranger shouts out to cover him and Red Ranger continues up the hill.  Titanus fires a few blasts at Red Ranger.    Red Ranger continues to climb.  Green Ranger distracts Titanus by using the Power Sword and Dragon Dagger together to fire a powerful blast.  Titanus starts firing at Green Ranger.  Red Ranger reaches the top of the hill and takes down the chest.  Red Ranger opens the chest and the weapons are inside.  Red Ranger hollers to Green Ranger that he got them.  Elsewhere, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and Pink Ranger continue to struggle in their battle against the Super Putties.  The four Rangers are knocked to the ground.  Black Ranger tries to encourage his friends.  Black Ranger tells them, come on guys.  We can't let them beat us.  Suddenly several blasts hit the Super Putties.  It is Red Ranger and Green Ranger above them.  Red Ranger shouts out we are back and we've got some presents for you, courtesy of Zordon.  Green Ranger and Red Ranger tosses the weapons down to Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger.  The four Rangers catch them easily.  They are impressed with the new weapons.  Black Ranger instructs the rest of the Rangers to fire at will.














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