Island Of Illusion, Part II - Page Five
Rita uses her wand to blow up the island. The Rangers had managed to teleport off the island before the blast. The Rangers arrive in their Megazord and Dragonzord. Dragonzord and Megazord get back on their feet. Rita is back in Angel Grove, watching from a building. She is furious to see they have all gotten off the island. Megazord and Dragonzord combine to form Megadragonzord. Lokar screams when he sees the arrival of Megadragonzord. Rita commands Mutitis to attack. Mutitis runs towards Megadragonzord. Red Ranger gives the command to fire. Megadragonzord fires at Mutitis. Mutitis fires back at Megadragonzord. Red Ranger gives the command for full power. Megadragonzord fires and destroys Mutitis. Rita is very upset. Red Ranger tells Lokar he is next. Red Ranger summons Titanus. Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is formed. Red Ranger tells Lokar it's all over for him. Red Ranger commands for all weapons to be fired. Lokar is hit and screams out in pain. Lokar quickly retreats before the Power Rangers can destroy him. Pink Ranger is upset that Lokar got away. Red Ranger vows next time. Rita screams and vanishes.
The day of the dance contest arrives. The Youth Center is packed. Bulk is one of the contestants for the dance contest. He does his routine. The spectators are amused by Bulk's routine. Bulk does a spin and falls to the floor. Skull immediately leaps onto the dance floor and starts dancing. Jason, Zack, Billy, and Trini are watching and smiling at Skull's dancing. Bulk gets up, grabs a hold of Skull and tosses him aside. Bulk then finishes his dance routine. Bulk gets his scores from the judges. Ernie walks up and tells the audience another fine effort from Bulk & Skull. Ernie then introduces Zack as the next contestant. Kimberly, Tommy, Jason, Billy, and Trini are standing with Zack. Zack is hesitant to go on the dance floor.