The Yolk's On You! - Page Five
Fang hits Megazord hard. Rita is watching the battle and she is very happy. Megazord falls to the ground as Fang continues to go on about eggs. Fang tells them, now he is going to finish them. Red Ranger notes Fang is a lot tougher than he looks. Red Ranger adds we could sure use Tommy's help. Rita notices the dam. Rita tells Fang to knock the dam to the ground. Fang likes the idea, we'll soak them. Fang starts walking over to the dam. Red Ranger notices Fang's direction and becomes alarmed. Fang exclaims, we are victorious! Red Ranger states, that's what you think. The Rangers get the Megazord back on it's feet. Elsewhere, Tommy starts climbing out of the net. Tommy hangs onto the net and starts swinging it in the Putties' direction. When the net gets close enough, Tommy kicks the Putties in their backs. Tommy fights the two remaining Putties and defeats them. Tommy quickly picks up his morpher and communicator. He hears Red Ranger's voice over the communicator. Tommy replies, I'm right here buddy. Where are you guys? Red Ranger replies, we're at Angel Grove dam. We need your help. Hurry! Tommy tells him he's on the way and morphs. Green Ranger arrives at the battle and quickly summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger. Fang runs towards the dam, but Dragonzord stops him by hitting him with his tail. Dragonzord and Fang battle. Fang knocks Dragonzord back. Megazord goes to stand by Dragonzord. Red Ranger gives the command to change the mode to Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode is formed. Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode battle Fang. Dragonzord in Fighting Mode tries to strike Fang with it's drill, but Fang knocks it away. Fang hits Tyrannosaurus hard. Fang grabs Dragonzord in Fighting Mode's drill, and pushes it aside. Tyrannosaurus hits Fang hard. Fang hits the ground, but quickly gets back up. Fang uses it's horns to blast Tyrannosaurus and Dragonzord in Fighting Mode. Red Ranger gives the command to switch modes. Titanus is summon and Ultrazord is formed. Red Ranger tells his team, let's finish it! Fang starts charging at Ultrazord. Ultrazord fires all weapons. Fang is destroyed. Red Ranger states, guess we took care of you, frog face! Rita is furious. She vows they will pay for this!
The students at Angel Grove High School are very excited for the talent show. Billy, Kimberly, Jason, Tommy, Zack, and Trini walk into the Youth Center. Billy walks a little away from his friends and keeps an eye out, as Jason contacts Zordon. Jason tells Zordon, good news. We destroyed Rita's plans again. Zack adds it was morphinomenal. Zordon congratulates them on a job well done. The teens are happy to hear his praise.