Trick Or Treat - Page Three

Squatt notes, it looks like Kimberly is winning.  Rita moves Squatt out of the way and looks through the telescope.  Baboo and Goldar are there as well.  Goldar informs Rita, when Pumpkin Rapper is ripe, they will all lose!  Permanently!

Tommy contacts Zordon.  I think Rita's up to her old tricks.

Zordon replies, your suspicions are correct Tommy.  But go on to your karate match.

Zordon continues, we will contact you there if the other Rangers should need you.  Tommy replies, got you Zordon and takes off.

Monty tells Skull it's now his turn to try and trick him.  Glancing at Bulk several times, Skull asks Monty what is my best friend's scam?  Skull quickly changes scam to name.  Monty is surprised that Skull has a friend, which allows Skull to gain a pumpkin point.  Monty announces that Skull gets to play Wicked Web of Disaster game.  Skull laughs with delight as the audience cheers.

The Youth Center is hosting the karate tournament.  Tommy stands among the crowds as they all watch a competitor.

Skull is standing in front of the Wicked Web of Disaster with Monty and his assistant.  Skull is feeling very confident.  Monty explains the rules.  The object of this game is to collect three bugs in ten seconds.  In the audience, Zack can't help but to mutter yuck, bugs.  Monty continues, if you can also manage to get out of the web before the spider gets you.  Skull leaps into the web and quickly climbs up.  Skull grabs two bugs before the spider sprays him with white goo.  Skull screams in frustration as the audience laughs.  Monty exclaims, now we're having fun!

Tommy, along with the other competitors and audience, is enjoying watching the karate match.

Squatt, Baboo, Scorpina, and Goldar are standing on the balcony with Rita.  Rita demands to know where the monster is.  Goldar informs Rita that the Rapper is almost ripe.  He will awaken soon.  But that is not soon enough for Rita and she shouts for the monster to wake up.














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