Page Ten

Kimberly goes to the front of the class and holds up a picture of her as a young girl in her first gymnastics competition.  Kimberly explains she was kind of bummed, because she lost.  But it did teach her to be a good sport and that has helped her a lot.  Tommy goes up and presents his picture.  Kimberly gives a glance back and Skull waves at her. Tommy tells the class about his picture - it's when he first learned about dedication and hard work.  Billy holds up his picture, which shows him and a vacuum cleaner in pieces.  Billy tells the class he learned about determination here.  It had taken him four hours to get his mom's vacuum cleaner back together.  Rocky's picture is of him and his dog, Buster.  He learned about responsibility.  Adam's picture is of him and his dad working together on a car.  Adam likes the picture because it shows them doing stuff together.  Bulk and Skull present their picture together.  The picture was when Skull realized that him and Bulk were meant to be life long pals.  Bulk disagrees, it was when you stuck a grape popsicle down my back and I didn't clobber you.  Skull replies exactly my point.  The class laughs and applauds. Eventually the presentations end in Miss Appleby's class.  Miss Appleby congratulates the class on an excellent job.  The class applauds.  Miss Appleby continues by telling them it was so interesting to hear about the events that have made you whom you are today.  While Miss Appleby is talking, Billy glances at the clock and notices it is acting strange.  Billy raises his hand.  Miss Appleby calls on him and Billy points out the clock.  Miss Appleby and the rest of the class look over at the clock.  Miss Appleby:  "Oh my goodness, that is rather odd.  What should we do?" The teens in the classroom become alarm as the clock's hands start to spin faster. 

Rangers Back In Time, Part I














Page One
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Page Eleven
Young Miss Appleby - Page One
Young Miss Appleby - Page Two