Orchestral Maneuvers In The Park - Page Three
The trumpet transforms into Trumpet Top. It states, time to play a different tune.
Skull whistles as he mixes up the cement in a wheelbarrow. Bulk excitedly calls out to Skull, bring it down here! There are some really good Power Ranger foot prints! Skull tosses the shovel aside as he states, coming up. Impatiently, Bulk states, I don't have all day. Skull quickly makes his way down the small hill with the wheelbarrow. The terrain is bumpy and Skull has a hard time holding onto the wheelbarrow as it splatters cement along the way. Skull and the wheelbarrow are heading straight for Bulk. Bulk yells no! The wheelbarrow catches on a rock and lifts up, covering Bulk in cement. Angrily, Bulk wipes his eyes and flicks the cement onto Skull's face.
Trini, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy go for a walk through the park. Zack is still upset over the missing trumpet, although his friends try to cheer him up. Unseen by the teens, Trumpet Top is close by and casts a spell, making Grumble Bee appear. They stopped in their tracks when they notice Grumble Bee, a monster they had already defeated.
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