The Wanna-Be Ranger - Page Six

"Yellow Ranger" is hit and falls to the pavement, reverting back to it's original form.  The Rangers gather together.  Primator gets back up and waving his weapon around and warns them to save their breath!  The Rangers fight Primator.  Red Ranger pulls out his Power Sword.  Red Ranger fights Primator with his Power Sword.  Red Ranger breaks Primator's weapon with his Power Sword.  Primator is angry.  You'll pay for that Power Brats!  Primator charges towards the Rangers and knocks them aside as he passes them.  The Rangers hit the pavement as Primator runs away.  Black Ranger warns, not so fast fur ball!  Black Ranger leaps up and hits Primator, knocking them both onto the pavement.  Black Ranger fights Primator with a vengeance.  They both fall over into the harbor.  The rest of the Rangers race down to the pier to find him.  "Black Ranger" staggers over to them.  Red Ranger notes that fall look pretty bad bro.  Are you okay?  "Black Ranger" replies, yeah I'm great before striking Red Ranger.  The rest of the Rangers fight "Black Ranger".  "Black Ranger" hits the pavement as Black Ranger arrives.  Black Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers, look out guys!  It's Primator in disguise!  "Black Ranger" tries to get away.  "Black Ranger" flips into "Blue Ranger".  Then flips into "Pink Ranger".  Primator flips once more into "Red Ranger" and laughs hysterically.  Black Ranger asks Red Ranger, what are we going to do?  Red Ranger replies, don't worry, I'll handle this.  He thinks he's the Red Ranger, well he's wrong!  Red Ranger charges towards "Red Ranger".  Red Ranger fights "Red Ranger". 














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