The Wedding, Part III - Page Three

The Rangers are exploring the theater.  Yellow Ranger thought they would never get away from those monsters.  White Ranger warns them there could be more hiding anywhere.  Blue Ranger wonders what it is about this place that blocks our powers?  Unfortunately the two monsters are still guarding the door.  Pink Ranger notes without our powers, we can't get past the monsters.  White Ranger tells them they need to use their brain power.  Peckster's head drops in the middle of their circle and laughs at them.  Lasers shoot out of his head.  Peckster's head flies away.  Black Ranger is angry, that does it.  Pink Ranger adds we got to escape.  Blue Ranger tells them he has an idea on how they can get out of here  The Rangers gather in a huddle.

Bulk and Skull spot a koala carrying her baby on her back.  Bulk tells Skull when out in the outback, do as the natives do.  Skull agrees.  Skull climbs onto Bulk's back.  Bulk carries him.  Skull sees the koala climbing up a tree.  Skull cries out stop, don't go up.  Skull falls off.  Bulk laughs.

Yellow Ranger is by herself.  She starts calling out, monsters!  Yellow Ranger walks down the steps and onto a landing.  She is still calling out for the monsters.  Yellow Ranger states Peckster, I realize I'm no match for you.  I'm giving myself up.  She walks towards some doors and asks if they are in there.  The doors swing open and out steps Peckster and Rhinoblaster.  Peckster is happy that Yellow Ranger finally admitted defeat.  Yellow Ranger backs away as Peckster and Rhinoblaster walk towards her.  From above a net falls and it lands on Peckster and Rhinoblaster.  They are trapped and unable to get out from the net.  The rest of the Rangers hurry down the stairs.  They meet Yellow Ranger at the bottom of the stairs.  Black Ranger and Yellow Ranger high five each other.  Pink Ranger is happy that it worked.  White Ranger tells the team now we escape to the caves.  The Rangers leave quickly for the caves.

Rita is sitting on Lord Zedd's lap.  They are both singing and in high spirits.  Their happiness is interrupted when Goldar contacts them.  Lord Zedd picks up the mic.  Lord Zedd yells at Goldar, he told him not to disturb him on his honeymoon!  Rita grabs the mic and tells him to can it twinkle toes!  Lord Zedd has the mic once more.  Goldar tells them it's an emergency.  Rita becomes worried.  Goldar tells them the Rangers have escape.  They are heading on foot for the Command Center.  Rita grabs the mic once more.  She screams at him, you stupid jellyfish!  Can't you and that bumble crew do anything right?!  Lord Zedd commands Goldar to take all the monsters out of the palace and send them after the Rangers.  Rita comments good help is so hard to find.

Goldar is on the balcony and faces the various monsters and Putties.  Goldar tells the group, hear me, this is a declaration of war!  The various monsters and Putties get very excited.  Goldar continues.  Every last monster, creature, and goon, prepare to attack.  It's time to bring the Power Rangers to their knees!  Goldar turns around and looks at Earth.  He declares their end is near!














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