The Wedding, Part II - Page Four

They land on top of each other and straighten themselves out as they stand up.  They wonder how did they get here and where did their change of clothes come from.  They spot a kangaroo and freak out for a moment.  Then they spot several more kangaroos.  Bulk and Skull run around, trying catch the kangaroos.

Alpha 5 goes back to watching the viewing globe.  He is very entertained watching Bulk and Skull run around and thinks he has created his own comedy show.

Rita and Lord Zedd have steaming goblets in their hands.  Rita tells Lord Zedd she can't wait to get married.  Once they are married, they will finally have control over the whole universe.  Lord Zedd is eager too.  You and I together, forever.  Rita is not thrilled with that thought, but hides it well.  Rita tells Lord Zedd her wedding gift to him is that she has managed to capture the pesky Power Rangers in an abandoned theater full of monsters and no way out.  Lord Zedd is impressed.  Lord Zedd tells her if he had a heart, it would be bursting with evil glee.  Lord Zedd suggests they survey our domain and enjoy the spectacle of watching the Power Puppets squirm.  Rita likes the idea.  Rita and Lord Zedd laugh.  In the empty picture frame, Goldar is watching them.  Goldar knows Rita is up to no good.  Goldar vows he will find a way to do away with her before she does away with him.  Goldar does not want to see Rita in control ever again!

Blue Ranger informs the rest of the Rangers he has found a lower level, it could be the way out they have been searching for.  The rest of the Rangers follow Blue Ranger down a flight of stairs.  They end up in a cave underneath the theater.  White Ranger sees a light.  White Ranger and the rest of the Rangers go towards it.  Yellow Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers to hurry, she can hear the monsters coming.  As they get closer to the light, White Ranger notes the fresh air.  The Rangers hurry towards the fresh air and light.

Rita is now laying down on the bed as Lord Zedd sits. 














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