White Light, Part I - Page Seven

Bulk and Skull's efforts wakes up Rita Repulsa. 

Lord Zedd grows impatient and decides to go ahead and unleash Nimrod. 

The spell hits the statue and the statue begins to form into Nimrod.

Meanwhile, at Billy's lab, all the teens are tense as Billy works on the computer.  Billy discovers there is a hidden chamber in the Command Center.  The ground shakes and the teens have to go to work.  The teens morph and teleport out.

The Rangers face down Nimrod.  Nimrod greets them with a welcome and calls them Power Brats.  Nimrod fires at the Rangers.  Black Ranger leaps into the air and tries to strike Nimrod with his Blade Blaster, but Nimrod knocks him aside first.  The rest of the Rangers gather around Black Ranger.  Nimrod fires lightening at them from it's staff.  The Rangers are hit hard.  Nimrod then opens it's mouth and shoots more lightening at the Rangers.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers to duck.  They do so and manage not to get hit.  Pink Ranger concludes it's trying to electrocute us. 














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