Skelerena - Voiced by Tom Fahn
Lord Zedd had sent Goldar and several Putties down to Angel Grove park. Goldar had the Mirror of Regret and it showed Adam scenes of when he was young and not chosen for any teams. Adam wanted to look away, but two Putties held Adam in place and as he watched, Adam began to lose his confidence. To keep the rest of the Rangers away, Lord Zedd wanted to create a monster that would laugh at his victims. Lord Zedd searched and spotted a hyena in a text book and used the picture to create Skelerena. Skelerena ran through Angel Grove and true to form, laughing at everything and scaring a couple of schoolgirls. Eventually Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, White Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Pink Ranger arrived. Skelerena had several of Zedd's Putties with him. As the Rangers battled the Putties, Skelerena make mocking comments throughout. Meanwhile a scene of Adam's student, Shawn, appeared in the Mirror of Regret. Watching Shawn's confidence, made Adam more confident and he broke the spell he was under. Adam battled the Putties and destroyed them and Goldar retreated. Adam quickly morphed and joined the rest of the Rangers. The rest of the Rangers had defeated their batch of Putties and were facing down Skelerena. The Rangers used their Power Cannon against Skelerena and destroyed it.
Mirror Of Regret