After Key Master locked Tommy in the dark dimension, Tombstone also appeared in the dark dimension. Tommy does not know where he is at. Tommy decides to morph, but is stopped by Tombstone who grabs his morpher. Robogoat and Pumpkin Rapper grab a hold of Tommy as he struggles to free himself. Robogoat grabs a hold of Tommy. Tommy breaks free, but Tombstone grabs a hold of him and tosses him through the air. Pink Ranger and Blue Ranger arrive. Tommy is very happy to see them and warns them about Pumpkin Rapper and Robogoat. Pink Ranger and Blue Ranger immediately go into battle. Blue Ranger battled Tombstone and knocks Tommy's morpher out of his hands. Blue Ranger tosses the morpher to Tommy. Tommy picks up his morpher and morphs into White Ranger. The three Rangers battle the monsters. Tombstone doesn't like the fact that there are now three Rangers and releases more monsters, Snizzard, Rhinoblaster, Invenusable Flytrap, and Primator. Soon, Red Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger arrive in the haunted forest. Lord Zedd throws down his grow bomb. Pumpkin Rapper grows to giant size. The Rangers summon their Thunder Zords and White Tiger Zord. Eventually Pumpkin Rapper is destroyed by Thunder Megazord and White Tiger Warrior Mode.
The Rangers were teleported to Spectre Theatre. Inside the building, the Rangers had no powers and were trapped. Blocking their every move, were various monsters. This did not stop the Rangers from trying to escape Spectre Theatre. The Rangers are quietly walking around Spectre Theater. As they go down a set of stairs, White Ranger warns the rest of the Rangers to keep their eyes open - those monsters could be right behind us. Elsewhere in the theater, Snizzard and Robogoat are searching for the Rangers. They are not happy when they come to a dead end. Snizzard blames Peckster for the Rangers getting away. Meanwhile, the Rangers enter a room. Blue Ranger leads the way, telling the rest of the Rangers that the monsters are blocking the main entrance, but logically there's got to be another way out. The Rangers run into Snizzard and Robogoat. The Rangers quickly run in the opposite direction. Robogoat calls them Powerless Rangers and shouts after them we only want to play! The Rangers make a temporary escape, but are soon teleported back to Spectre Theatre. Elsewhere, Lord Zedd is preparing for his wedding to Rita Repulsa. At Lord Zedd's palace, the wedding banquet has been set up. Goldar is there and he is not happy about Lord Zedd and Rita. He can't believe this is happening to him. Goldar takes some of the food set out and eats it. Goldar thinks there must be some way to stop this wedding. Lord Zedd is there as well and he tells Goldar it is time. Bring in the guests! Let the wedding begin! Goldar was afraid of this, but he goes ahead and summons the monsters in. Snizzard, Soccadillo, Saliguana, Eye Guy, and the rest enter. Goldar tells them to gather around and present their gifts. Lord Zedd is very happy as he exclaims what a glorious day! Snizzard, Saliguana, Eye Guy, Dramole, Invenusable Flytrap, Robogoat, and Grumble Bee form a semi circle around Lord Zedd. Lord Zedd thanks them. Eye Guy presents his gift to Lord Zedd. Its a spider in a cage. Eye Guy suggests it can be for a decoration or a light snack. Lord Zedd tells the mutant monsters they are like sons to him. Come closer. We're all one big evil family.
Goldar asks Lord Zedd if he is sure about this wedding? Lord Zedd tells him of course, he is sure about everything. Lord Zedd tells Finster he will perform the ceremony. Lord Zedd asks him if everything is ready? Finster tells him yes your evilness. All the preparations have been made. The guests are assembled and your blushing bride awaits. Lord Zedd commands Goldar to signal the musicians to begin playing. But Goldar couldn't get musicians on such short notice. Lord Zedd becomes angry - that's what I get for sending a monkey to do a monster's job. Lord Zedd uses his staff to bring forth an organ and then uses it on Snizzard to become the organ player. Lord Zedd tells Snizzard I trust you can play the wedding march on that thing! Snizzard replies no, but if you hum a few bars I can fake it. But Snizzard is kidding and he begins to play the organ. Lord Zedd commands, let the wedding begin. Grumble Bee, Robogoat, Invenusable Flytrap, Saliguana, Soccadillo, Eye Guy, several Putties, Goldar, Finster, and Lord Zedd await the arrival of the bride. Rita enters singing a song, and followed by Baboo and Squatt. Squatt is carrying her train. As she makes her way to Lord Zedd, Rita pushes aside a couple of Putties. Rita reaches Lord Zedd and he is startled by her appearance. Finster begins the ceremony. Baboo and Squatt begin to cry. Finster asks is there any creature present, who knows why these two should not be wed? Goldar shouts out yes, now that you mention it! Rita hits him with her bouquet of black roses. Rita tells Finster to get on with it. Finster continues the ceremony. Finster asks who has the rings? Goldar has them, but is reluctant to turn them over. Rita grabs a hold of the box which contains the rings. She takes one out and places it on Lord Zedd's finger. Finster pronounces them husband and wife, you may kiss. Lord Zedd is eager, Rita less so. Rita and Lord Zedd kiss. Squatt exclaims it's a nightmare come true, as Goldar can only shake his head. Fireworks are shooting off outside the palace, and the reception is a big party. Snizzard continues to play at the organ as a snake slithers all over it. A Putty pours a drink for Saliguana. Finster enjoys the music as he stands by the wedding cake. The only one not having a good time, is Goldar. He is sitting on the floor, depressed. Snizzard's tail keeps time to the music. Rita, Lord Zedd, Putties, Baboo, Squatt, and various monsters are having a blast dancing. Rita compliments Lord Zedd on his dancing. Saliguana and Soccadillo dance together. Grumble Bee and Invenusable Flytrap stood by the "food" table and toast each other. Snizzard's tail is keeping time with the music and a Putty decides to hop over it, in time to the music. A Putty feeds Robogoat. Lord Zedd asks Rita, how is it I never noticed your beauty before? Hearing this, Goldar covers his face. Lord Zedd exclaims this is the greatest day of my life! Eye Guy tells Rita she's a real eye popper. Rita gives him a wink back. One of Eye Guy's eyes pops off and lands in the refreshment. Lord Zedd and Rita dance together. Lord Zedd gives Rita a dramatic and romantic dip. Moments later, Lord Zedd asks Rita if she is unhappy? Rita replies completely! Soccadillo hears the exchange and thinks it's so nice. Lord Zedd and Rita walk together. They are followed eagerly by Baboo, Squatt, Finster, Goldar, several Putties and the various monsters. Lord Zedd asks Rita what wedding gift did she get for him? Rita replies the Power Rangers are trapped. Your gift to me - I would like to be there for when the Power Rangers are destroyed! Lord Zedd tells her she shall have it. We will go together for our honeymoon aboard Serpentera. Together we will put an end to the Power Rangers. Forever! Lord Zedd and Rita walk over to the balcony and then turn around and face their wedding guests. They are laughing. Rita tells them they are on their way to rule the world. She tosses her bouquet and Soccadillo catches it in his mouth. Lord Zedd tells them they will return when the Power Rangers are no more. Rita and Lord Zedd leave. The wedding guests wave them off. Before Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa can reach Spectre Theater, the Rangers escape. Lord Zedd contacts Goldar to send down the monsters. Goldar is on the balcony and faces the various monsters and Putties. Goldar tells the group, hear me, this is a declaration of war! The various monsters and Putties get very excited. Goldar continues. Every last monster, creature, and goon, prepare to attack. It's time to bring the Power Rangers to their knees! Goldar turns around and looks at Earth. He declares their end is near! Despite their efforts, the Rangers reach the safety of the Command Center. When they emerged, a battle follows. The Power Rangers destroyed every monster with their Tigerzord and Megazord.
Zedd's Monster Mach
The Wedding, Part II
The Wedding, Part III