Page Five
Bulk and Skull had just joined the Wanna-Be fire fighters club. Miss Appleby told them Aisha was in the middle of a demonstration, but Bulk and Skull had a demonstration of their own. Aisha didn't mind, she figured this would be good. Bulk and Skull went up to the front of the class. Skull struggled to get the screen up as Bulk talk about his family bar-b-que, which fire fighters across the country referred to as the big one. Bulk then plugged in a plug in the outlet. Sparks began to fly and soon there was smoke. The class got up from their seats and stepped towards the back of the class. Aisha acted quickly. Aisha unplugged the outlet and then use the fire extinguisher on the small electrical fire. Aisha put out the fire. Miss Appleby had everyone come back to their seats. Bulk tried to act like this had been his idea the whole time, but Aisha quickly put the record straight, by telling everyone this was a good example of what not to do. Miss Appleby told Aisha how proud she was of her. The class applauded, Aisha was thrilled with the high praise and it began to effect her. Later, that day, Aisha was in the Youth Center, checking for fire safety hazards.
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
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Young Aisha - Page One
Young Aisha - Page Two
Young Aisha - Page Three