Tamara - Michal Yannai

Tamara is a young women from Israel.  She is the Committee Chairperson for the World Teen Summit.  Tamara and Billy liked each other. Ernie announced that it was time to begin.  Billy stood up and thanked Angel Grove High School's art class for the statue.  Billy then introduced the six teen delegates from around the world, Themba (South Africa), Chun Mei (China), Charlie (Australia), Boris (Russia), Pablo (Mexico), and Tamara (Israel), the head chairperson.  Tamara thanked everyone and planned to enjoy her time in their beautiful city.  Billy told the audience how the six delegates would be talking to teens in Angel Grove, and three would be selected to go to Switzerland with them.  During her time in Angel Grove, Tamara and Billy share a picnic in the park. 

 A Monster Of Global Proportions














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