The Tooth Hurts - Page Two

Make them suffer and then, Sledge fires at the cake, bring me their Energems!  With cake splattered all over him, Cavity replies, yes sir. 

At the Dino Lab, Riley continues his training.  He sets up the dino ball machine to shoot out tennis balls as he hits them with this Dino Saber. Riley does some impressive moves as he strikes each ball back.  Behind him, Chase has his feet up and his headphones on, enjoying his drink.  Riley gets very frustrated with himself when he misses a tennis ball.  He quickly gets into a fighting stance and practices hitting the flying tennis balls.  Riley hits several, but then misses one.  He becomes frustrated when he hears the slurping sound behind him.  Riley tries to get Chase's attention.  A tennis ball hits Riley in the back, which does not improve his mood.  Chase glances up and removes his headphones as Riley tells him, I'm trying to focus here.  You should know how hard that can be.  Chase replies, but bro, you just keep practicing the same sword move.  Over and over.  Riley tells him, I have my reasons.  Chase asks, which are?  Riley explains, when Fury attacked me to get the Green Energem, I wasn't able to keep up.  That's why I practice, so next time I'm ready.  Riley walks away, Chase gets up, grabs his skateboard and walks up to  Riley.  Look, we both want to defeat Fury.  But the next attack could be different.  If I was you, I'll used your instincts and adapt.  So you're ready for any situation.  Riley dismisses Chase's advice.  Oh okay, you giving me training advice.  Right!  I've never seen you train.  Not once.  Riley walks away.  Chase shouts after him, just because I don't train the same way as you, doesn't mean I don't train.  Angry, Chase states, I'm going out and heads out.  Riley shouts after him, have fun!  Chase glares at him and then leaves.  A tennis ball hits Riley's forehead.  Riley lets out a growl and gets back to practice.

Riley and Tyler enter the Dino Bite Cafe. 














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