Young Jarrod - Jackson Bliss-McCauley
At a young age, Jarrod already knew kung fu and would be accepted into the Pai Zhug. Jarrod lived by the code. When answers were stolen for a big test, Jarrod refused to look at them. Jarrod knew cheating was wrong. Although this would result in him failing the test. Jarrod was also picked on by bullies. But he refused to fight back, as they were lesser opponents. Jarrod's parents were not around much. Jarrod spent a lot of time with his neighbors, the Fishers, who lived down the street. The Fishers were good people and they let Jarrod play on the farm and ride their horses. Mr. Fisher had lost his job and Jarrod rally the town to raise money. Mr. Fisher was able to pay the mortgage until he got another job. Several years later, Dai Shi would take over Jarrod. Dai Shi wanted to rid the world of humans and have only animals exist. Despite all his plans, Dai Shi continue to fail. Dai Shi went seeking Carnisoar, the Sky Overlord to learn his evil ways. Carnisoar told Dai Shi he still had a human heart and humanity must be erased from him. Dai Shi was willing. Dai Shi and Carnisoar return to Jarrod's past and changed it. Young Jarrod cheated on the test, didn't rally the town for the Fishers, and defended himself against the bullies. The transformation was complete. The humanity had been erased from Dai Shi's human heart.
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