Clark Fairweather - Jeff Henry
Clark Fairweather is Angela Fairweather's brother. He is also a brilliant scientist. Miss Fairweather was having troubles coming up with a weapon to use against Infinitor. Captain Mitchell suggested Clark's new technology. Miss Fairweather was very excited, saying Clark would have some great ideas. Captain Mitchell asked Miss Fairweather if Clark would help them and Miss Fairweather told them that for her, Clark would do anything. Miss Fairweather contacted her brother and he arrived promptly at the Aqua Base. It was his first time on the Aqua Base and he didn't know where to go. Clark ran into Joel and asked him where Miss Fairweather's lab was. Joel told him and as Clark walked away, Joel realized this was the man Miss Fairweather had gotten excited over. Clark walked into the lab, excited to see his sister, he gave her a hug and twirl her around. Clark then gave Angela a box of flowers and told her that her smile was still like a ray of sunshine. Angela was happy to get the flowers. Miss Fairweather had spotted Joel - who had been spying on them - and invited him over to meet Clark. Joel reluctantly walked over. Clark and Joel shook hands and Clark told him that he hoped he could be of some help. Miss Fairweather was convinced that Clark could do anything and told Joel that Clark could build a megazord blindfolded. Miss Fairweather and Clark walked away arm in arm and Angela told Clark that she loved a guy with a complex mind. Clark and Angela began work immediately on the Mega Battle gear. They tested the gear and were pleased with the results. Clark grinned when he saw Joel entered with a lab coat on and glasses. Joel told them that he thought his scientific expertise might come in handy. Angela was ready to turn him down, but Clark was amused and pulled Joel to one side. Clark took Joel to the test booth and asked him to help with some very complex wiring. Clark added that it should be no problem for someone with his skills. Clark grinned as he shut the door on the baffled Joel. Angela was not very comfortable with Joel's wiring and asked him if he was alright. Joel told her that he was and Clark suggested he try it. Joel pushed a button and the Aquabase experience a short black out. Clark laughed as Angela opened the door to the test booth that was full of smoke. Joel stepped out with his glasses askew. Later, Clark and Angela went out to celebrate the success of the Mega Battle armor. They sat in Clark's convertible with a view of the lake. Clark and Angela ate some cake until the sprinklers came on and started to get them wet. Clark simply raised the convertible top and Angela told him he was brilliant. Angela spotted Joel and Chad in the side mirror of the car and told Clark she had to do something. Clark waited in the car as Angela told Joel and Chad off. Suddenly several missiles landed and struck the car, causing an explosion. Clark became unconscious in the burning car. He was pulled to safely by Joel. Joel tried to wake up Clark, but stood back when Angela threw herself on Clark and, crying, tried to wake him up. Clark groaned her name and Angela hugged him tearfully. Weakened, Clark sat with Angela and watched proudly as Joel and Chad used the Mega Battles against Infinitor and were successful. Later, Clark was sitting at a table with Angela. They were talking when Carter, Dana, Kelsey, Chad, and Joel walked in. Dana and Kelsey giggled as they said hi to Clark. Joel approached and Clark asked him to have a seat. Joel refused and told him that he wanted to thank him for the Mega Battles as they really had saved them. Clark stood up and told Joel that he should thank him. He also added that it had been worth it to spend some time with Angela. Clark touch Angela's shoulder and then departed. Miss Fairweather watch him go and Joel asked her, you really loved him, don't you. Miss Fairweather told him that she couldn't live without him. Joel told Miss Fairweather that he was glad, she deserved the best boyfriend. Miss Fairweather was stunned and told Joel that Clark was her brother. Joel stammered and told Miss Fairweather that he was only joking. Miss Fairweather then thanked Joel for saving her brother and kiss him on the cheek.
The Mighty Mega Battle