Brian - David Leitch

Brian was riding his motorcycle with his girlfriend behind him when he spotted two young people sparring.  Brian immediately recognized the young people as the Yellow and Blue Power Rangers.  Brian stopped his bike and started to challenge Kelsey and Chad.  He told them that they were nothing without their powers and he challenge Chad to a fight.  Chad wasn't interested in fighting and turned his back on Brian.  Brian thought that would impressed his girlfriend, but it didn't.  Brian's girlfriend urged him to keep going.  Brian deliberately stepped on a towel Chad was trying to put back in his tote.  Chad told Brian excuse me several times, but Brian wouldn't move.  Chad had no choice but to fight Brian.  Brian soon learned that Chad was a powerful fighter without his powers and he soon landed at his girlfriend's feet.  His girlfriend was upset - telling Brian that she thought he could beat up Chad.  Meanwhile, Kelsey and Chad were called away on Ranger duties.  Brian saw them leaving and his girlfriend told him that he had blown it as they were getting away.  Later, Brian was alone on his motorcycle and stopped in the city.  He happened to be where Chad and Kelsey - morphed - were battling Smogger.  A back draft knock the two Rangers to the ground and they demorph.  Brian watched the whole thing and smiled.  He heard voices and decided to follow them.  Hidden, Brian watch as Vypra made plans with Smogger to blow up the whole city.  Brian was discovered and Brian pleaded with Vypra.  He told her that he wanted to work with her in destroying the Rangers.  Vypra thought it was a good idea and blew blue smoke into Brian which turned him into a zombie.  Later, Brian worked out at a park with several Batlings.  He was ready to destroy the Blue Ranger.  Chad appeared and told Brian that he didn't have to do this, but Brian wanted to, now that he was as powerful as Chad.  Brian and Chad battled and with his new powers, Brian could not defeat Chad.  Brian ended up on the ground again.  Chad offered him his hand and told him it was okay.  Brian hesitated, and then trembling was about to take Chad's hand when Batlings grabbed Chad.  The Batlings had Chad in a hold and Vypra ordered Brian to finish the job.  Brian told Vypra that it wasn't a fair fight and it was his fight.  Vypra got fed up with Brian and decided to finish Chad herself, but Chad broke free.  Together, Brian and Chad fought the several Batlings and eventually Vypra retreated.  Brian apologized to Chad and Chad accepted his apology.  Another day, Brian was in the park working with his karate class.  He saw Chad and Kelsey and waved to them and told them it was good to see them.

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