Earl - Hal England
Earl peered cautiously out her front door and saw a young woman standing in front. Dana introduced herself and Earl relax. Earl gave Dana a hug and referred to her as Bill Mitchell's daughter. Earl stepped back inside for a moment to grab some fishing ear. Dana was not thrilled to be picking up Earl, an old friend of her dad's, for a fishing trip. Earl was unaware and told Dana that he would let her drive "Old Blue", his pickup truck. Earl and Dana got into the truck and Dana drove. As they drove along, Dana was contacted by Carter, who needed her help to battle Fireor. Dana was ready to help, but her dad told her no, to get Earl to Aquabase. Earl kept a tight grip on the tackle box as they drove along. Soon it became very hot and Earl commented on it. Suddenly fireballs began to fall and the fireballs caused Dana to crash the truck. Earl had spilled ice out of his tackle box during the crash. He glanced around and noticed an ice machine. Earl left the truck and quickly put ice into his tackle box. Dana asked him what he was doing and was surprised to see the fuel cell in the tackle box. Earl explained to Dana that Captain Mitchell had hoped nothing would happen, but in case it did, he wanted Dana with him to ensure that he would reach Aquabase safely. Earl told Dana that her father couldn't believe in her more. Dana was pleased to hear this. Vypra appeared and attacked them. Earl fell to the ground, hurting his arm and losing grip on the tackle box. Earl tried to crawl towards the tackle box. Dana quickly reached Earl and helped him to his feet after Earl had gotten hold of the fuel cell and some ice, which he put in his jacket. Earl and Dana hid as Dana put Earl's arm in a sling. Earl watched Dana and told her that she looked just like her mother. Dana was surprised that Earl knew her mother. Earl told Dana that her mother would be very proud of her. Dana was pleasantly surprised and pleased. They got out of their hiding spot and were at a waterfront dock when Vypra appeared again. On the edge of the cock, Dana told Earl to trust her and he did. Vypra fired and Dana grabbed a pipe and deflected the blast back to Vypra. Dana used this distraction to make her getaway with Earl. Later, Earl and Dana arrived at Aquabase. Captain Mitchell met them when they arrived. Earl told Captain Mitchell that their safe arrival was because of Dana.
A Matter Of Trust