Gosei Ultimate - Page Three

Troy adds, very little.  We got to take out Bigs before the stuff unfreezes.  Robo Knight tells them he will not be able to help at this time as he must restore his systems.  Robo Knight walks away.  Emma tells him they understand.

A sudden downpour has the citizens taking shelter from the rain.  Just as swiftly the rain stops.  All the frozen toxic waste thaws.  The citizens cautiously step out as the toxic waste causes a terrible smell in the area.  It makes the citizens feel sick and they hurry away.

Bluefur and Bigs laugh and toast each other over their success.  Bigs notes those fools thought they could freeze out my slime.  They should have checked the weather forecast.  Bluefur agrees and adds luckily that rain thaw out all your slime.  Now let's watch it work it's toxic magic.

The Rangers arrive at the broadcast tower and the smell overwhelms them.  Black Ranger notes, Robo Knight was able to stop them.  He did it using a special card.  Yellow Ranger adds, we need to get that card.  Blue Ranger tells them we just need to freeze these toxic fumes.  If we combine our power cards, I think we can create the same effect.  Red Ranger agrees.  It's a least worth a shot.  Blue Ranger uses the Istop power card while Red Ranger and Pink Ranger use the Windrive power card.  The broadcast tower is frozen once more.  Bluefur and Bigs arrive.  Bigs tells them, since they froze their slime again, they will just have to unfreeze it.  The Rangers summon their Ultra Swords and go into ultra mode.  Red Ranger leaps in and fights Bigs and Bluefur with his Ultra Sword.  Bigs knocks Red Ranger down with his staff.  The Rangers gather together.  Bigs gloats.  Isn't it fitting that you are getting beaten by the very toxins humans created.  Bigs bends over backwards and shouts aurora blast! 

Black Ranger shouts to Yellow Ranger, Gia, with me!  They both activate their Defenstone power cards, and a tall stone wall arises and protects the Rangers for a moment.  Soon the wall of stone breaks apart and Yellow Ranger and Black Ranger hit the pavement. 














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