Danger And Destiny, Part I
December 26, 2009
Written by: Judd Lynn
Directed by: Mike Smith
Flynn, Scott, Ziggy, Gem, Gemma, Summer, and Dillon got out of their cars. Flynn: Is it me or is it really quiet? There are groups of people walking straight towards them. Gemma: What's wrong Gem: with them? Scott: Venjix. He must have activated the hybrids. Summer: We can't hurt them, they're just people. Scott: You're right. Follow me. Scott, Ziggy, Gem, Gemma, Summer, Dillon, and Flynn take off running. They climb to the top of some stairs. Summer notices that Dillon is struggling. Summer: Are you okay? Dillon tells her that the virus is his head Several screens appear on the tall buildings. Venjix announces that he is in control of the city. Nothing can save them, not even the Power Rangers. Ziggy realizes Dr. K is in danger and takes off. Gem, Gemma, Summer, Dillon, Flynn, and Scott chase after him. During the chase, they run into an attack bot. Gemma, Summer, Flynn, Scott, and Gem morph. Silver Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Gold Ranger race forward. Dillon is still fighting against the virus and takes off.
Dr. K stands still inside her dark Ranger room. The power returns. Dr. K quickly goes over to her computer and activates closing the doors.
Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Gold Ranger, and Silver Ranger battle the attack bot. During the battle, Yellow Ranger notices that Dillon is missing and wonders where he is. Red Ranger points out he is going to have to take care of himself right now. Yellow Ranger insists he needs their help. But there is no time, as the five Rangers are kept busy battling the attack bot.
Ziggy races through the city, trying to get to Dr. K.
Dr. K works frantically on her computer, trying to get the anti-dote up to speed. Behind the sealed doors is the sound of banging. The anti-dote is only at 50%.
Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, Gold Ranger, Silver Ranger, and Yellow Ranger continue their battle against the attack bot. Eventually they knock the attack bot to the ground.
Dr. K manages to get the anti-dote up to 80% as the banging on the sealed doors continued.
Ziggy continues his race through the city. In the Ranger room, the doors are blown apart. Dr. K stands up as Tenaya 15 enters with several Grinders. The Grinder surround Dr. K, grab her and take her forward. Venjix enters the door. Tenaya 15 stands by Venjix's side. Venjix has been eager to meet his creator. Dr. K tells him that the most flawed human is better than the most perfect machine. Venjix becomes angry and wants to prove machines are better. Ziggy bursts through. Ziggy battles Venjix. Venjix easily tosses Ziggy to the floor. Dr. K breaks free and races over to Ziggy. Venjix gives the order for Ziggy and Dr. K to be taken. Tenaya 15 snaps her fingers. The Grinders grab Ziggy and Dr. K and leave the room with Tenaya 15. Venjix takes all the information about the Power Rangers from the computers and then starts destroying the Ranger room.
Dillon arrives in his Fury. He struggles to walk. Venjix finishes destroying the Ranger room and is pleased to see Subject D44. Dillon's eyes glow for a moment and then he collapses onto the floor. Venjix leaves. Dillon comes to and crawls over to a table. Dillon forces himself up and grabs a vial of the anti-dote. Dillon gives himself the injection. There is a moment of pain and then Dillon no longer feels under Venjix's control. Dillon mutters that Dr. K is a genius. Dillon grabs another vial of the anti-dote and walks out. Meanwhile in the city, the attack bot is giant size. Red Ranger, Gold Ranger, Silver Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger form their Megazords: PaleoMax Megazord, High Octane Megazord, and Mach Megazord. The five Rangers battle the attack bot with the three Megazords. Dillon wanders through the city. He hides when he sees several Grinders. After they pass, Dillon follows them. Back at the battle, the attack bot sprays dark liquid onto High Octane Megazord and PaleoMax Megazords. The two Megazords are unable to move. Gold Ranger and Silver Ranger use the Whale zord to wash away the liquid. The two Megazords are now free. The battle continues and the attack bot is destroyed. Venjix arrives and tells them well done. Red Ranger becomes furious when he sees Venjix. Red Ranger leaps out of the PaleoMax Megazord. Red Ranger battles Venjix with his Street Saber. Gold Ranger, Silver Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Blue Ranger watch from their respective Megazords. They are concern for Red Ranger. Red Ranger is knocked to the ground. Venjix then starts deleting the PaleoMax Megazord. The Rangers are stunned when the PaleoMax Megazord is completely deleted. Red Ranger is even more enrage and battles Venjix once more. Venjix knocks him down to the ground. Red Ranger demorphs as he hits the ground. Venjix is ready to take out another Megazord and starts the deleting process for the High Octane Megazord. Gold Ranger tells Silver Ranger you know what we have to do. Silver Ranger does. The Mach Megazord knocks High Octane Megazord aside and takes the deleting hit. Scott is in disbelief. The Mach Megazord begins the process of becoming deleted. In Colonel Truman's office, Kilobyte is running the operations. He is very pleased to see Silver Ranger and Gold Ranger being deleted. Kilobyte comments two down, five to go. Back at the battle, Silver Ranger and Gold Ranger are knocked out onto the ground. The Mach Megazord is deleted. Venjix leaves, he needs more energy. Silver Ranger and Gold Ranger feel very tired. They demorph and weakly get up.
Flynn and Summer demorph as they race through the rubble of the city. Summer and Flynn join Scott as they stare in stunned disbelief at Gem & Gemma. Gem & Gemma are surrounded by various glowing colors and becoming transparent. Gem tells them they would have kept fighting. Gemma tells them to never give up. Gem & Gemma are deleted. Scott, Summer, and Flynn are very upset. In Colonel Truman's office, Kilobyte is very pleased. Kilobyte starts the deleting process on Tenaya 15's weapon. Dillon walks through the city. Dillon hides as several Grinders walk past. The Grinders have Dr. K and Ziggy. Tenaya 15 is with them. Dillon contacts Scott and asks them where they are at. Scott tells him the news that Gem & Gemma are not with them. Dillon doesn't understand. Summer takes the morpher and tells Dillon Gem & Gemma are gone. Dillon feels bad, but there is no time to feel sorry for themselves. Flynn is furious and asks Dillon if he has a heart. Dillon tells them the same thing is about to happen to Ziggy and Dr. K. Scott grabs the morpher and asks Dillon where he is at. Meanwhile, the Grinders place Dr. K and Ziggy in the back of a truck and lock them in. Ziggy and Dr. K have handcuffs on. Tenaya 15 stands outside the truck, keeping an eye out. Ziggy begins working on releasing himself from the handcuffs. Ziggy is thankful that his time in prison has paid off, when he frees himself from the handcuffs. Ziggy works on Dr. K's handcuffs and makes a joke about being handy with the handcuffs. Dr. K just stares at Ziggy until he bows his head and then she smiles at him. Ziggy releases the handcuffs on Dr. K. Ziggy is still holding her hand, which Dr. K points out he no longer needs to do. Ziggy has no idea what to do next and Dr. K takes over. Kilobyte enters the warehouse, where Tenaya 15 has been waiting for him. Kilobyte tells Tenaya 15 goodbye. Tenaya 15 asks where he is going. Kilobyte tells her he is not going anywhere. Kilobyte pulls his weapon out. Tenaya 15 is ready to fire her weapon, when it is deleted. Ziggy and Dr. K hide by the side of the truck and watch. Tenaya 15 has the Grinders move forward to battle Kilobyte. Kilobyte battles and destroys the Grinders with ease. Kilobyte and Tenaya 15 battle. Eventually Tenaya 15 is defeated and Kilobyte is about to destroy her when Black Ranger arrives. Black Ranger battles Kilobyte. During the process, the anti-dote is dropped. Ziggy tells Dr. K that he now has a plan. Black Ranger is standing protectively in front of Tenaya 15. Tenaya 15 grabs his weapon and uses Black Ranger as a shield. Dr. K draws Kilobyte's attention. Ziggy grabs the anti-dote and tosses it to Black Ranger. Black Ranger injects Tenaya 15 with it. Furious Kilobyte fires. Black Ranger uses his shield, but it eventually runs out of time. Black Ranger demorphs and is in a great deal of pain, as is Tenaya 15. Kilobyte is about to destroy them both when Blue Ranger, Red Ranger, and Yellow Ranger arrive with the RPM Road Blaster. The three Rangers fire and Kilobyte is destroyed. Yellow Ranger sees Dillon on the floor and races over. Summer, Dr. K, Ziggy, and Scott kneel by Dillon as Flynn watches. The circuitry vanishes from Tenaya 15's face. Tenaya gets up and walks over. Tenaya asks if Dillon is okay. Dr. K tells Tenaya he is. Everyone hears the Grinders' patrol. Scott and Flynn get Dillon to his feet and take off. Tenaya doesn't know what to do. Summer walks over and tells her to come with them. Tenaya leaves with Summer. They make it back to the Ranger room. Dillon is being monitored and Tenaya keeps an eye on him. Tenaya plays the pocket watch and the music brings back some of her memories. Dr. K walks in. Tenaya asks her about Dillon. Dr. K explains that the circuits Venjix has placed have froze up. Dillon will get better, Dr. K just doesn't know how long it will take. Tenaya tells Dr. K that she has forgotten what it was like to be human. When Tenaya looks at Dillon, she remembers.
Scott, Summer, Ziggy, and Flynn have gathered together. Scott wants to continued the attack against Venjix. Flynn is not crazy about the idea, since Venjix took out two of their Megazords. Ziggy agrees they should fight, but not get destroy. Summer states that there is still four of them. Dr. K joins them and tells them they will be unable to morph. That was how Venjix was able to delete Gem & Gemma. Scott asks Dr. K what they should do. Dr. K thinks. Venjix is a virus. The way to destroy him would be with another virus. It's a great idea, but how do they can in. Summer tells them they just walk in. Summer goes to talk to Tenaya. Scott, Ziggy, Flynn, and Dr. K stand a little distance away and watch. Summer tells them their plan. Summer is convinced Tenaya can do it, since Venjix will think she is still his loyal servant. Tenaya points out that she is not. Tenaya does not want to leave Dillon after everything he has done for her. Summer walks back to the group and tells them they will have to find another way. Flynn doesn't accept this and is angry. Flynn storms over to Tenaya and tells her if she really wants to help her brother, she has to help them. Tenaya is at a loss on what to do.
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