Brittany auditions for the role of Yellow Ranger. The "companion" tells "Emily" she should be grateful to have a sister that worries about you. "Emily" confesses, I feel like I'm letting her down. I rely too much on Marion and the others. They're carrying me. The "companion" replies, I'm not so sure about that and I really doubt the others feel that way. "Emily" continues, you know lately, I feel like there's something not quite right with Marion. Sadie noticed it too, I think. But hasn't said anything to me. Maybe she's trying to protect me. I don't know. I'm starting to realize it now. But I'm sure it's happen in the past. I was just totally unaware. I know now that it's not enough to just keep up with the others. And I must be mindful of my sister and what she would have done. She believes in me. Believes that I do my best. But I need to try harder. I won't let her down.
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