Deal With A Nighlok - Page Seven
The coach walks up to Ryan. He tells Ryan a nice garbage man handed these in to me. It's Ryan's equipment and uniform that Ryan threw away. The coach tells Ryan the garbage man didn't want to see such nice stuff go to waste. Ryan gets up with a big smile on his face. Coach gives him the equipment and uniform as he knows it belongs to Ryan. Ryan thanks him. The coach tells Ryan he's a great first baseman and we need you. Ryan changes into his uniform and goes out onto the field to play. Jayden pulls out his Samuraizer and makes a symbol with it. The symbol hits Ryan in the back. Ryan turns around and sees a glowing image of his dad. Ryan is very happy to see his dad. Mike is blown away as is Emily, Kevin, and Mia. The image tells Ryan to go get them tiger and then fades away. Mike asks Jayden how he did that hocus pocus? Jayden explains he just helped a dream become a vision. But I can only sustain it for a moment. Kevin tells Mia that the two of them make a great team. We're going to fight those Nighloks and make sure no one else has to give up what they love. Mia adds or their dreams. The game starts and everyone watches the game. Ryan makes a great hit and the ball goes flying. Bulk and Spike are standing outside the fence, watching the game as well. The ball straight for them. Bulk is ready to catch it, but Spike pushes him out of the way and tries to catch the ball. Instead he gets hit in the head with the baseball. Spike gets dizzy and falls into Bulk's arms. Bulk drops him to the ground and starts cheering Ryan on. Ryan makes a home run with everyone cheering him on - including Jayden, Mike, Mia, Emily, and Kevin.