Origins, Part II - Page Four

I had to take her place.  Mike is impressed as well.  Wow.  That's a lot to ask of you.  Emily tells them, it's been tougher seeing her go through her illness.  And anyway, I wasn't a super star at school.  Mia tells her, don't sell yourself short.  Emily replies, oh I do have talent.  I'm really good at playing the flute and can definitely handle a sword.  So, becoming a Power Ranger is a fresh start for me.  Kevin states, did you hear that?  She has the heart of a true samurai warrior.  Mike tells her, you've been training hard.  You need this more than I do and offers her a kabob.

Bulk is at the kabob stand and gets a kabob.  Spike thanks Bulk for taking him in.  Dad told me you could help me become something great.  Then he laughed for about twenty minutes.  Spike laughs.  Bulk tells Spike he is going to train him to become a samurai.  I'm an expert in the field of samurailogy.  I've been studying samurai movies for years.  Bulk waves around his kabob as he talks, making Spike hungry.  Bulk continues, I have a bit of history with the Power Rangers.  Bulk notices Spike's longing look and asks him how come he doesn't have a kabob?  Spike tells him after the bus fare, I'm broke.  Bulk tells him forget eating.  Bulk walks a small distance away and continues, you stick with me and we'll learn everything we need to know about the Samurai Power Rangers.  Bulk starts doing karate poses.  His movements cause bits of the kabob to fly off.  Spike catches the last two pieces of the kabob and walks over to the stand for some ketchup.  Concentrating on pouring the ketchup, he doesn't notice Uncle Bulk has walked up to him.  Bulk screams Samurai!  This causes Spike to scream and squeeze the ketchup bottle, getting ketchup all over Bulk.  Spike starts laughing.  Bulk wirily comments, yup, just like his father.

A citizen puts an item in a recycling bin and then walks away.  Soon after Scorpionic and several Moogers seep out of the gap and emerge into the city.

At the Shiba House, the gap sensor goes off.  Mike asks, what's that?  Mentor Ji explains, that's a gap sensor.  It goes off the moment a Nighlok comes through a gap from the Netherworld.  Mentor Ji pressed his hand down on a coffee table.














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