Spin Sword

The Power Ranger's first line of defense, the Spin Sword, is the default weapon of the Rangers which is powered by the Samurai Disc.  It is upgradeable, through the use of additional Power Discs.  Giving each Ranger the ability to morph their Spin Swords into more powerful, specialized weapons.

Fire Smasher

The Red Ranger's Spin Sword is upgradeable to the giant and imposing Fire Smasher, which is powered by the Red Ranger's Lion Disc.

Hydro Bow

The Blue Ranger's Spin Sword becomes the Hydro Bow when attached to the Dragon Disc.  It shoots bursts of energy like arrows.

Sky Fan

The Pink Ranger's Spin Sword morphs into the Sky Fan.  When she attaches the Turtle Disc, she can control the wind.

Earth Slicer

The Yellow Ranger's Spin Sword morphs into the Earth Slicer. When combined with the Ape Disc, she can fling it like a boomerang.

Forest Spear

Green's Spin Sword, powered by the Bear Disc, becomes the powerful Forest Spear.

Mega Blade

A large extendable sword that the Rangers wiled in their Zord and Megazord cockpits.  When not extended, the Mega Blades serve as  a steering device fro the Zords and Megazords.

Megazord's Katana

This giant, powerful blade materializes when the Samurai Rangers, in mega mode, combine their zords in the powerful Samurai Megazord.