Scotty - Dominic Scott Kay
Scotty's Mother - Palmer Davis

Scotty lives in Turtle Cove.  Master Org and several Putrids were destroying Turtle Cove.  Rain poured from dark skies and large vines covered the buildings, as the citizens of Turtle Cove ran in all directions, trying to get to safety.  Scotty became separate from his parents.  He screamed for help as Putrids surrounded him on a balcony.  His agonized parents watched helplessly from below.  Cole, Alyssa, Taylor, Danny, Max, and Merrick were battling on the streets of Turtle Cove.  Cole heard Scotty's cry.  Outrage, Cole swung onto one of the vines and reached the balcony Scotty was trapped on.  Cole asked Scotty if he was okay and Scotty told him he was.  Cole instructed him to grab on.  Cole picked up Scotty and Scotty hung on as Cole swung them down to safety and his parents.  Scotty ran to his parents and gave his grateful mom a hug.  Cole told them to get to safety and they raced off.  Later, the Rangers, with the help of all the wild zords, destroyed Master Org and the Org heart.  The sun broke through and Turtle Cove was restore back to normal.

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Scotty's Parents