The Bear Necessities
March 16, 2002
Written by: Derek Rydall
Directed by: Koichi Sakamoto
Taylor is out for a run when an Air Force plane flies overhead. Taylor watches the plane and remembers when she was in the Air Force and how she became a Ranger. An airman yelling at two young boys shakes Taylor out of her thoughts. The boys get out through an opening in the fence, but one boy falls hurt. Taylor helps the fallen boy and tells them that the base is no place to play. Taylor is contacted by the other Rangers about an Org. The Org has an appetite for cell phones and can render them useless. Taylor arrives on the scene and the Org makes her growl phone useless. Taylor battles the Org and is badly hurt. The two young boys heal her and bring her back to the base. All three sneak in. Meanwhile the other Rangers have arrived and are soon demorph. Alyssa comes up with a plan to defeat the Org - knock out his antenna. On the base in a building, the two boys show Taylor two flowers at the bottom of a ravine. Taylor retrieves the flowers and gives them to the boys. They each give her a small seed. The Rangers are successful in knocking out the antenna and have their power back. The Rangers call on their zords, but are having a difficult time. The two boys appear and using the flowers are transform into the Black Bear and Polar Bear zords. The battle is a success, but the Rangers barely have time to celebrate. There is something wrong with the Lion zord.