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Marge was bewildered and called out Billy's name, but she was alone.  After awhile, the Power Rangers arrived, along with Madame Woe.  Blue Ranger hurried over to Marge and reassured her that everything was going to be okay.  Marge watched as Red Ranger and Black Ranger battled Madame Woe with the Power Sword and Power Ax.  Madame Woe knocked them to the ground.  Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger used their Blade Blasters against Madame Woe.  They were knocked aside as well.  Blue Ranger then used his Power Lance against Madame Woe and was defeated.  Blue Ranger came to the conclusion that they could not defeat Madame Woe in this dimension.  They needed to get back to their own dimension.  The Rangers pulled out their power coins and combined the power into one.  Blue Ranger teleported out of the dimension.  Furious, Madame Woe followed him out.  Red Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Yellow Ranger gathered around Marge and reassured her they would be getting out of the dimension soon.  After awhile, the dimension began to shake.  They could hear Blue Ranger's voice telling them he would have them out soon.  After awhile, Marge, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Red Ranger were teleported out and landed on the beach.  The four Rangers told Marge to stay hidden while they battle Madame Woe.  Once more, Marge stayed hidden and watched the battle.  The Rangers battled Madame Woe.  The Rangers destroyed Madame Woe with the Power Blaster.  After the battle, the Rangers gathered around Marge.  Marge was very impress and tried to find the right words to tell them.  Blue Ranger suggested totally awesome and Marge agreed.  That evening, Marge was at the dance with Billy.  They sat at a table together.  Billy told Marge how worried he had been when Marge had not shown up.  Marge thought it was very sweet of Billy to have worried about her.  Marge excitedly talk to Billy about the Power Rangers.  Billy asked her if they had been impressive?  Marge replied yes, especially the Blue one.  Marge is partial to blue.  Marge thought the Blue Ranger was gallant, which Billy found himself agreeing to before he stopped himself.  Billy took out a handkerchief and revealed Marge's necklace.  Marge was very happy and gave Billy a kiss on the cheek.  A few moments later, Marge and Billy watched as Ernie fell into a cake after Bulk waved his money he had taken out of his sock under Ernie's nose.  Marge, Billy, Jason, Zack, Kimberly, and Trini hurried over and helped Ernie back up.  Jason joked to Ernie that it wasn't time for cake yet, they still had to serve the sandwiches.  Ernie agreed, but first he needed to work up an appetite.  Ernie started dancing and lead a conga line to the dance floor.  Kimberly, Trini, Marge, Billy, Jason, and Zack danced their way onto the dance floor.  Marge and Billy danced together. Marge had a great time at the dance.

Peace, Love And Woe








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