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Billy told her she had taken on a big responsibility, it was bound to affect her.  Bulk and Skull then walked in.  They were drenched and sad.  They had been kicked out of the Wanna-Be fire fighters club because they hid in the lake during the fire crisis.  Skull was more upset over losing their dog.  Ernie told them he had a surprise and brought out a cake with candles.  Bulk and Skull screamed fire.  Skull grabbed a pitcher of water and threw it.  The water landed on Bulk instead of the cake.  Everyone laughed and then Aisha blew out her candles.

Aisha, Billy, and Rocky walk into the Youth Center and find a table.  Bulk and Skull soon follow in as well.  Bulk and Skull have Gypsy Abalonia to help them find the Power Rangers, and help them reveal their identities.  Billy is very skeptical and when Gypsy Abalonia tells him to look into her eyes, he tells her no thanks.  Aisha, Billy, and Rocky, along with the rest of the crowd, have a good laugh as Gypsy Abalonia has Bulk and Skull dance around until they are dizzy.  After the Youth Center, Aisha, Rocky, and Billy head over to Billy's lab.  They are participating in a scavenger hunt.  They have half the clues and Kimberly, Adam, and Tommy have the other half.  Aisha and Rocky are trying to figure out the next clue.  Billy has it already figured out.  Billy shows them the toy cannon his cousin had left at his house.  The teens are happy they have figure out the next item, and head out to find some more scavenger items.  Aisha, Billy, and Rocky are walking in the park.  They have two more clues to go and then they can meet with Adam, Kimberly, and Tommy.  Several Putties appear.  The three teens battle and destroy most of the Putties.  Three of the Putties manage to get away and with the scavenger items.  Aisha, Rocky, and Billy are puzzled as to why the Putties would want the scavenger items.  Billy contacts Tommy to let him know what had happened and to check in with them.  After awhile, Alpha 5 contacts Aisha, Billy, and Rocky to let them know that Lord Zedd has created Cannontop and is planning to use him as distraction and then send the Rangers to the lost dimension.  Aisha, Billy, and Rocky morph.  Alpha 5 then contacts the rest of the Rangers.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers head to the park and face down Cannontop.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers have a difficult time against Cannontop and they are knocked off their feet.  The Rangers use their Power Blaster against Cannontop and Cannontop is defeated.  Lord Zedd tosses down his grow bomb.  Cannontop is now giant size.  The Rangers summon their Thunderzords.  White Ranger summons his White Tiger Zord.  Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode and White Tiger Warrior Mode is formed.  The Rangers battle Cannontop and it continues to be a difficult battle. Tor is called in as well.  The Rangers eventually destroy Cannontop with Mega Tigerzord.  After the battle, Aisha and her friends return to the Youth Center.  They walk up to the counter.  They have one more scavenger item.  They give the clues to Ernie and he figures out it's the Power Rangers.  Ernie goes back to get a picture he has of them.  Gypsy Abalonia, Bulk, and Skull enter.  Gypsy Abalonia tells them the Rangers are near and heads towards the teens.  Ernie comes out with the picture of the Power Rangers.  Bulk and Skull have had enough of Gypsy Abalonia and tell her to look in their eyes as they fire her.  Aisha and her friends laugh and then race over to the judges' table.  They dump their items.  After a few anxious moments, the teens are declare the winners of the scavenger hunt.

Aisha, Adam, and Billy were tossing a Frisbee around in the park.  Aisha:  "Alright Billy, over here!"  Billy:  "Adam!"  Suddenly a small space craft flew right over their heads.  They all ducked down.  Aisha:  "Whoa, nearly gave me a haircut"! 

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire




Scavenger Hunt








The Great Bookala Escape




Page One
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Page Eleven
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Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen
Page Sixteen
Page Seventeen
Page Eighteen
Young Aisha - Page One
Young Aisha - Page Two
Young Aisha - Page Three