Page Eighteen

Aisha notes, this is getting serious.  Billy suggests they go back to the Command Center and inform Zordon.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam teleport out of Angel Grove High School.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam arrived in the Command Center and tell Zordon how they can't find Kimberly, Rocky, and Tommy.  Alpha 5 panics and asks Zordon, where can they be?  Zordon tells them, I'm afraid they have fallen into a dangerous trap set by Lord Zedd and Rita.  Those two have become a formidable team.  Billy tries to track their signal from their communicators.  Zordon thinks that's an excellent idea.  Aisha and Adam hover over Billy.  Aisha tells Billy to hurry.  I'm getting worried.  Billy works on trying to lock on their signal.  After a few moments, Billy announces that he has found them.  They should be coming up on the viewing globe.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam walk over to the viewing globe and sees their friends there.  Aisha notes they are in trouble.  Adam wonders where they are?  Billy asks Zordon if he can pinpoint their location?  Zordon replies the exact location is difficult to obtain.  Their signal tells me they are in the middle of a story book.  But it doesn't give me the location of the book itself.  Alpha 5 tells Zordon this story needs to be rewritten and fast. Alpha 5 exclaims, this will never be a best seller!  Aisha and Adam have been keeping an eye on their friends, via the viewing globe.  Aisha asks Billy, what's going on?  Billy replies, their morphers are experiencing hyper thermal malfunctioning - frozen.  Aisha asks if there is any way they can get inside the book and help?  Billy is not sure.  He would have to analyze the book himself.  Adam thinks by the time they find it, it will be too late. 

 On the viewing globe, the Snow Monster warns Tommy, Kimberly, and Rocky that this will teach you to trespass in my valley.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam are very worried for their friends.  Adam wonders if his friends are okay.  Billy replies, it's impossible to tell from here.  Aisha tells the guys they can't give up.  We got to find the book and figure out a way to get into it.  Adam asks Zordon, if he can tell them where it is?  Zordon has just located the book.  It's with all the others back at the high school book fair.  Alpha 5 panics.  That could take hours to find.  Aisha adds, who knows what Lord Zedd and Rita will do by then. Aisha, Billy, and Adam head off for the book fair. At Angel Grove High School, Aisha, Billy, and Adam frantically search through the books.  Aisha tells the guys, we got to hurry.  The book has got to be here somewhere.  Adam points out that they don't even have a clue as to what the title is.  What are we looking for?  Billy encourages them to keep looking.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam go back to searching through the books, unaware that the book is close by.  After awhile, Aisha comments, I love reading, but this is getting ridiculous.  Adam adds, some of these titles.  Billy points to the title of the book he has, Know Your Iguana.  They all smile.  Aisha picks up a book to mock it's title, Grumble the Magic Elf.  They all have a chuckle until the book emits a strange glow.  Aisha wonders what's happening?  She drops the book and it slides under the table.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam crawl under the table to take a look at the book.  Billy opens the book and they see Tommy, Kimberly, and Rocky inside the pages.  Aisha can't believe they found the book.  Adam is relieved that they are okay.  Aisha points out that they are trapped in the cave.  We got to help them. Back at the Command Center, Billy is scanning the story book.  He can't figure out a way to alter their molecular structure.  The alarm goes off.  Aisha asks Zordon, what is going on?  Zordon replies, there's trouble in Angel Grove Park, behold the viewing globe.  Adam comments, I don't think I'm ready for more trouble.  Aisha, Billy, Adam, and Alpha 5 all go over to the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows Bulk and Skull up in a tree with a monster just underneath them.  Billy and Alpha 5 wonder what is that thing on the ground.  Adam replies, a Thanksgiving nightmare.  Zordon informs them it's the Turkey Jerk monster created by Bulk and Skull to lure you into the park so they can unmask you.  Aisha, Billy, Adam, and Alpha 5 turn around and face Zordon.  Zordon continues, Bulk and Skull didn't know that Rita and Zedd would bring the monster to life.  Rita and Zedd have also equipped it with powerful weapons that can destroy Angel Grove.  Aisha, frustrated, comments that Bulk and Skull never learn.  Zordon tells them they must first defeat the Turkey Jerk monster before it destroys the city.  Then you can rescue the other Rangers.  Aisha, Billy, and Adam morph and teleport out. Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger arrived at the park and face Turkey Jerk.  Bulk and Skull are very excited to see the three Rangers.  Bulk knew they would come.  Skull laughs.  Turkey Jerk thinks Bulk and Skull are it's parents, and they will have fun blowing up the city.  Blue Ranger informs Turkey Jerk that those two are not your parents.  Black Ranger tells him, he's not blowing up anything.  Turkey Jerk pulls out a large baster.  Turkey Jerk thinks the three Rangers need a good baking.  Turkey Jerk fires the syringe and it blasts the three Rangers.  Turkey Jerk comments, cooked to perfection.  Blue Ranger was hit hard, but reassures his friends that he is okay.  Black Ranger is ready to pluck that bird.  Yellow Ranger urges caution, she thinks Billy needs a moment to rest. After a moment, Blue Ranger recovers.  Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger battle Turkey Jerk.  It is a difficult battle.  Black Ranger is fed up, let's crave this turkey!  Black Ranger summons his Power Ax.  Black Ranger battles Turkey Jerk with his Power Ax.  During the battle, Black Ranger manages to knock the baster away.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger gather around Black Ranger.  Blue Ranger warns Turkey Jerk, he better be prepared to have his wings clipped.  Turkey Jerk replies, I was going to offer you a side of cranberries for when you eat crow.  Turkey Jerk tosses the cranberries towards the three Rangers.  The cranberries are explosives and hits the three Rangers.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, we have to think of something quick.  Otherwise we're going to end up as southern fried Rangers.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, I think we got to go at him from all sides.  Yellow Ranger and Blue Ranger agree.  Black Ranger just hopes their strength holds up.  Yellow Ranger, Black Ranger, and Blue Ranger continue their battle with Turkeyjerk.  Turkeyjerk easily knocks them aside.  The three Rangers regroup.  Yellow Ranger suggests the Power Cannon.  Blue Ranger thinks it's a good idea and they summon the Power Cannon.  Turkeyjerk charges towards the Rangers, confident he is going to make stuffing out of them.  Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger fire the Power Cannon and Turkey Jerk is destroyed.  Bulk and Skull cheer.  Blue Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they need to report back to the Command Center.  Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, and Black Ranger teleport out.  At the Command Center, Billy is looking through the book.  Billy notes the story is rewriting itself as Tommy and the others go through it.  Aisha asks, they are trying to get out?  Billy replies that it appears that way.  Adam points out that the story is over when those toys are delivered to the orphan children.  Maybe if we can help with that, we can get the other Rangers out.  Zordon thinks it's an excellent idea.  However, I can't locate the frequency to enable you to teleport into the book.  Aisha gets an idea.  Aisha asks Alpha 5 to get her some colored pencils.  Alpha 5 promptly gives them to Aisha and she quickly starts drawing in the book.  Aisha tells her friends, I'll draw the toys and then Grumble will have them to deliver to the children. Aisha, Billy, and Adam are thrilled to see that it worked.  They followed the pages as they follow their friends.  Adam only hopes they make it to the end.  The alarms go off in the Command Center.  Alpha 5 tells them, Zedd and Rita have taken Mondo the Magician out of the story book and set him loose on Angel Grove.  Billy picks up the book stares through the hole in the page.  He is concern that Rocky, Tommy, and Kimberly have not returned yet.  Suddenly they appear.  Tommy asks, did you miss us?  Aisha confirms that they did.  Aisha also tells them that Rita and Zedd have taken Mondo out of the story book.  Rocky replies, we better get busy then.  The six teens morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger and the rest of the Rangers arrive and summon their Thunderzords.  The Rangers enter their Thunderzords.  Thunder Megazord is formed.  White Ranger has White Tiger Zord go into warrior mode. Mondo the Magician twirls his sword as he runs towards the Megazords.  Thunder Megazord and Mondo the Magician battled.  Mondo the Magician formed a weird electric current in front of him.  It then struck the Thunder Megazord several times.  The Rangers lost control and Thunder Megazord fell to the ground.  Mondo the Magician demanded that Thunder Megazord get back up, so he could finish them off.  Tiger Zord Warrior Mode arrived.  Mondo the Magician prepared to battle Tiger Zord Warrior Mode.  Tiger Zord Warrior Mode knocked Mondo the Magician to the ground.  Thunder Megazord got back up and summoned it's sword.  Mondo the Magician also got back up.  Thunder Megazord destroyed Mondo the Magician with it's sword. Afterwards, the teens have returned to Angel Grove High School and are helping with cleaning up the book fair.  Adam asks Tommy, what was it like being in that book?  Tommy replies, I never really liked fairy tales, but hey, this one was pretty exciting.  Rocky adds, that's putting it mildly.  Kimberly hopes Rita and Zedd are out of the story telling business for good.  Tommy adds, their plot twist was a little too intense.  Everyone chuckles.  Miss Appleby walks up with great news.  The book fair was a big hit.  The teens are very happy, that should help the library.  Bulk and Skull come walking down the hall.  Miss Appleby thinks they have come back for more books.  Instead Bulk and Skull would like to donate "Monster Making Made Easy" and "How To Make A Thanksgiving Feast" back to the book fair.  Miss Appleby takes the books.  Bulk and Skull add that their monster making days are done.  With a sly grin on her face, Kimberly takes the Grumble the Magic Elf book and gives it to Skull.  Skull mocks the title and then opens the book.  Grumble tells them hello and Bulk and Skull freak out.  Skull tosses the book, which lands neatly into Billy's hands.  Bulk tells them they will pass and Skull adds, thanks anyways.  Bulk and Skull run down the hall.  Kimberly comments, I guess they weren't into reading.  Aisha, Billy, Adam, Rocky, Tommy, and Kimberly laugh.

Aisha and Kimberly were sitting at a table at the Youth Center.  They were soon joined by the guys.  Tommy tells Kimberly to close her eyes, he's got a surprise.  Kimberly loves surprises and covers her eyes.  Tommy instructs her to open them, but there is nothing.  Tommy laughs and tells Kimberly he was just kidding and gives her the cactus.  Kimberly is impressed and asks Tommy where he got it?  Tommy replies, Arizona and asks if she likes it?  Kimberly thinks it's incredible and knows exactly where she is going to put it.  She gives Tommy a kiss on the cheek and thanks him.  No one notices the strange lightening that takes the cactus.  A few moments later, Kimberly notices that the cactus is missing.  She thinks her friends are playing another joke on her.  But none of her friends know what happened to the cactus.  Rocky notices the strange green goo on the table and points it out to his friends.  Billy picks up some of the goo.  He has no idea what it is.  Billy thinks they should take it back to the Command Center and analyze it.  Tommy suggests they get going.  Billy uses a napkin to take the rest of the goo off the table.  Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, Tommy, and Kimberly walk over to the locker area of the Youth Center.  Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, and Tommy teleport out.  Kimberly is left behind.  Soon, Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, and Tommy arrive in the Command Center.  They immediately notice that Kimberly is missing.  Tommy asks Alpha 5, what happened to Kimberly?  Alpha 5 is worried and replies, her teleport signal accidentally got sweep into a time hole.  Rocky is puzzled, a time hole?  Billy explains, a tear in the fabric of time.  If someone falls through it, they could end up in the past or the future.  Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, and Tommy walk over to the viewing globe.  The viewing globe shows the time hole.  Billy comments that for some reason, this time hole is located near the lockers at the Youth Center. Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, and Tommy continue watching the viewing globe.  Tommy asks, what's happening to the time hole?  Adam thinks it's disappearing.  Alpha 5 informs them that it is not disappearing.  The time hole turns invisible when not in use.  Tommy is really worried.  Kimberly is lost somewhere in time.  We don't even know where.  Alpha 5 tells them, he is trying to locate her, but time holes form randomly in the universe.  Time streams are unpredictable. Soon, Billy is working at the controls.  Tommy asks if he has had any luck locating Kimberly?  Billy is having trouble moving his signal through the time barrier.  Billy decides to try something else and after working a few moments, is confident something will turn up on the viewing globe.  Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, Tommy, and Alpha 5 walk over to the viewing globe.  An image of Kimberly's face appears on the viewing globe.  Tommy is very happy to see her, but then the viewing globe goes blank.  Adam asks, what happened?  Billy is not sure.  He thinks he might need to check the power transformer.  We may need to increase the voltage surge to carry an ongoing signal. Soon, Billy locates Kimberly.  He tells his friends that Kimberly is in Angel Grove, just in 1880.  Tommy is eager to go rescue Kimberly.  The alarms go off.  Alpha 5 tells them that Goldar and his goons are headed straight for the time hole.  Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, and Tommy walk over to the viewing globe.  It shows Goldar, Needlenose, and several of Zedd's Putties walking towards the time hole.  Billy concludes the monster was created by Lord Zedd from Kimberly's cactus.  Zordon warns the teens if Zedd's monster destroys Angel Grove in 1880, it will alter Angel Grove's future and all of you will disappear because you have never been born.  Alpha 5 adds, you must stop Zedd's monster from reaching the time hole!  Tommy agrees.  If the monster goes back in time, no one will be able to stop it.  We have to get there before it does.  Aisha asks, what's going to happen to Kimberly?  Adam adds, we just can't leave her there.  Tommy replies, we just have to hope she's okay until we can get to her.  Aisha, Rocky, Billy, Adam, and Tommy morph and teleport out.  Yellow Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, and White Ranger arrive and face down Goldar, Needlenose, and several of Zedd's Putties.  White Ranger tells Goldar to forget about going back in time, your time here has run out!  Goldar shouts back that they are no match for them!  White Ranger threatens to turn them all into mulch.  Several more of Zedd's Putties arrive.  Black Ranger notes they are surrounded.  White Ranger warns them to keep their eyes open.  Goldar gloats, things don't look so rosy now, do they?!  Time for cactus to practice it's stinging surprise!  This is such a glorious moment!  White Ranger warns if they can't block Goldar's path, their future is doomed. Goldar threatens the Rangers, I hope you are prepared to be weeded out!  Each Ranger battles a group of  Zedd's Putties. In the midst of the battle, Zedd's Putties suddenly take off running.  Black Ranger wonders where they are all going?  White Ranger notes they are heading for the time hole.  The five Rangers chase after Zedd's Putties.  Goldar yells at them to stop.  The Rangers turn around and face Goldar and Needlenose.  Goldar tells them, their fight isn't finished here Rangers.  Needlenose shoots needles that hit the Rangers and paralyze them.  White Ranger recognized them as paralyzing spores.  Goldar told Needlenose, nice job and laughed.  White Ranger vows, you won't get away with this Goldar!  Goldar continues to laugh. White Ranger encourages the rest of the Rangers to fight the effects of the paralyzing spores.  Needlenose and Goldar laugh and vanish.  White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers we got to catch them before they turn back the clock.  It is still a struggle for the Rangers to move. Meanwhile, Goldar and Needlenose enter the Youth Center and run towards the time hole.  Goldar and Needlenose vanish through the time hole.  The five Rangers race in, but they are too late as the time hole has closed.  Yellow Ranger is sure there is another way to get in.  Black Ranger suggests they go back to the Command Center and tell Zordon.  White Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers, he doesn't want to leave here because it's their only link to Kimberly.  But Adam's right, maybe Zordon can help. At the Command Center, Tommy tells Zordon, we blew it.  Kimberly's trapped in the past.  Zordon tells them it's not time to give up hope.  Aisha agrees.  If Goldar and the monster won, our world would already be destroyed.  Alpha 5 concludes that Kimberly must have defeated the monster.  Zordon tells him no.  I have no evidence to base that conclusion.  Billy points out it's a paradox.  Our world won't change until Kimberly battles the monster in her time.  Tommy tells his friends, there must be some way to help her.

Storybook Rangers, Part I



Storybook Rangers, Part II




Wild West Rangers, Part I



Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
Page Eight
Page Nine
Page Ten
Page Eleven
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen
Page Fifteen
Page Sixteen
Page Seventeen
Young Aisha - Page One
Young Aisha - Page Two
Young Aisha - Page Three