Football Season - Page Six

At the Moon Palace, Rita screams, wand!  Make my monster grow as she throws her wand down towards Angel Grove.

Rhinoblaster grows to giant size.  Green Ranger immediately summons Dragonzord with his Dragon Dagger.  Dragonzord arrives and strikes Rhinoblaster with it's tail.  Rhinoblaster head butts Dragonzord.  Rhinoblaster tries to land several kicks, but Dragonzord blocks them.  Dragonzord tries to strike Rhinoblaster with it's tail, but misses.  Rhinoblaster lands a hard punch that causes Dragonzord to take several steps back.  Rhinoblaster strikes Dragonzord several more times.

Alpha 5 looks at the sheet of data and informs Zordon there is no other way.  Green Ranger must use his Dragon Dagger to free the other Rangers.  However, if he fails, the dagger will be lost forever.  And so will the Rangers!  Zordon responds, we have no choice.  I'll contact Green Ranger.

Green Ranger responds, I'm here Zordon.  Zordon informs him that the only way to save your friends is to outsmart the Rhinoblaster.  Green Ranger replies, tell me what to do.

Zordon tells Green Ranger to throw the Dragon Dagger into the multi dimensional mist.  If the Rangers can reach it, they may be able to free themselves.

Green Ranger states, I'll do whatever it takes to save them Zordon.

Zordon tells Green Ranger to be strong and may the power protect you.

Rhinoblaster strikes Dragonzord with his sword.  Dragonzord stumbles back.  Green Ranger calls out stop!  I can see now that the Dragonzord and I are no match for you.  Rhinoblaster is pleased that Green Ranger has finally come to his senses.  That makes it easy on both of us.  Rhinoblaster uses his sword to blast Green Ranger.  Green Ranger is blown off his feet and lands on the grass.

Baboo and Squatt watch the battle with Rita.  Rita is delighted.  It's so easy, I don't believe that it's true.

Green Ranger calls out, wait!  Wait!  Won't you let me spend my last few moments with my friends?  Rhinoblaster considers it only for a moment.  Since I'm such a nice!  Rhinoblaster blows a mist out of his nostrils.  Green Ranger jumps out of the way.  Green Ranger hopes this works as he tosses the Dragon Dagger into the mist, shouting Jason!  Catch!  Rhinoblaster is taken aback. 














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