Green With Evil, Part IV - Page Ten

The Megazord is able to get back up.  The Megazord battles Goldar and Scorpina.  The Megazord knocks both of them to the ground.  Red Ranger is exuberant.  Red Ranger feels they have a chance now. 

Back at the Command Center, Alpha 5 pleads for Zordon to please come in.  Green Ranger mocks sympathy for Alpha 5.  Green Ranger refers to Alpha 5 as a mechanical misfit and asks him what is wrong?  Green Ranger also asks can't Alpha 5 make anything work?  Green Ranger then threatens Alpha 5 by telling him he will do the same for him. Green Ranger laughs.  Alpha 5 tells him he is truly evil and it's time to find out who is behind the mask. 

Back at the battle, Rita is very pleased and now it is time to call Green Ranger.  Goldar suggests to Rita to use your spell to release him. 

At the Command Center, Green Ranger tells Alpha 5 better luck next time and then vanishes as he is teleported out.  Alpha 5 is bewildered as to how Green Ranger was able to leave. 

At the battle, Rita throws down her wand and Green Ranger is now giant size as he emerges from the fog.  The Rangers are not happy to see him as Green Ranger joins in the battle.  Green Ranger uses his Sword of Darkness against the Megazord.  Red Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they are in trouble - they don't have enough power to finish this fight.  The Megazord and Green Ranger battle.  Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers if only the Megazord was at full power, they would crush Green Ranger.  Red Ranger instructs the rest of the Rangers to give him all the power that is left.  The Megazord continues to battle Green Ranger. 














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