Green With Evil, Part IV - Page Six

Rita points to where the bus is.  The bus is on a ledge.  Several Putties are shaking the bus as Baboo and Squatt try to push the bus over.  Inside the bus, Skull asks Bulk what are they going to do now?  Bulk suggests they get out of here.  But they can't because there are several Putties outside the bus' doors.  On the beach, Black Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers this is serious.  Pink Ranger points out the bus can go over any second.  Yellow Ranger tells the rest of the Rangers they got to do something.  Inside the bus, Bulk and Skull are terrified.  Skull is positive they are going over the edge.  Bulk remarks that soon they will be history.  Skull thinks Bulk means they will be famous.  Bulk tells him no, he means like dust.  Bulk and Skull scream.  The Putties continue to shake the bus.  Skull is screaming his head off.  Bulk grabs Skull and covers his mouth, telling him to stop.  Stop screaming, stop moving, stop breathing.  Skull calms down and Bulk removes his hand.  Bulk whispers they are going over.  Skull gives a salute.  On the beach, Pink Ranger points out the bus is almost over the edge.  Yellow Ranger panics as she cries out oh no!  Red Ranger tells them they got to get up there.  Pink Ranger is concern if they make a move, they will send the bus over for sure.  On the ledge, Squatt and Baboo are working hard on trying to get the bus to go over.  Inside the bus, Bulk wants his mommy.  Skull also wants Bulk's mommy.  On the beach, Red Ranger points out they are going over anyways.  The Rangers race across the beach.  They are stopped by Goldar slamming down his sword in front of them.  The Rangers leap out of the way.  Rita reminds them not to forget the bus. 

Inside the Command Center, Zordon tells Green Ranger he will never get away with this.  Green Ranger points out that he already has.  Green Ranger starts finishing the job.  Green Ranger presses buttons on the control panel.  Zordon warns Green Ranger that the Power Rangers will stop him.  Green Ranger doesn't think so and he walks over to another control panel.  Alpha 5 becomes alert again.  Alpha 5 commands the computer to activate a force field around the intruder. 














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