High Five - Page Six

Red Ranger destroys Giant.  Rita is very upset and knocks a ball over to Baboo and Squatt and tells them she has a headache.

Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy return to the Youth Center.  They are all sitting at a table and listening as Ernie tells a customer about Angel Grove's newest superheroes - the Power Rangers.  The teens laugh.  Billy tells them the communicators are fully functional now thanks to Zordon and Alpha 5.  The teens get up and walk over to the climbing rope.  Billy thanks Trini for coming to his aid and Trini only hopes she never has to do it again.  Zack quietly comes in and pulls out a monster mask, which he puts on.  Zack sneaks up to Trini and growls at her.  Trini quickly climbs up the rope to the top.  Kimberly, Billy, Jason, and Zack, as he pulls off the mask, laugh.  Zack tells Trini it looks like she has really overcome her fear of heights.    







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