On Fins And Needles

May 5, 1994

Written by:  Douglas Sloan

Directed by:  Worth Keeter

Tommy and Jason are teaching karate to a group of kids at the Youth Center.  Tommy has Peter work on his kicks.  Tommy is impressed with Peter's kicks.  Way to go!  Jason instructs the class to circle it up.  Jason then has Melissa go first.  Melissa steps forward and goes through her kata.  Zack and Billy are standing close by, watching the class.  Zack tells Billy, Jason and Tommy really make a great team.  Billy agrees.  It's truly inspiring to see them volunteer time to teach free classes.  Zack adds, and martial arts is a great way to keep kids out of trouble.  Melissa finishes her kata and Tommy tells her she did great.  I can tell you have really been working hard.  Jason adds, you're doing great.  Keep it up.  Jason gives a small bow and Melissa does the same before rejoining the rest of the class.  Tommy reminds the class, martial arts should be used in self defense only.  Jason adds, and only if you've done everything you can to solve it without fighting.  You guys got it?  The class replies yes and Tommy dismisses the class.

Rita had been watching the Youth Center.  Goldar is with her, while Finster eavesdrops from his room.  Rita is angry.  Those two guys make me sick!  Finster silently agrees.  Rita tells Goldar, she will make them enemies instead of friends.  Goldar replies, excellent.  The Slippery Shark's mind spell will do the trick.  Rita is very excited over the plan.

Tommy and Jason are walking along, talking about their class.  Tommy is very excited, class is going great.  Jason adds, developing concentration and discipline is going to help them do a lot better in school.

Rita has been keeping an eye on Angel Grove park and she gets very excited when she sees Tommy and Jason are all alone.  Goldar tells her, the Slippery Shark's boomerang will make them enemies.  Rita commands, send the Putties down!  What the Putties start, the Slippery Shark will finish!

Tommy and Jason are enjoying their walk through the park when several Putties appear.  Tommy and Jason immediately got into a fight stance.  Tommy comments, I knew this day was going too well.  The Putties surrounded them and soon the guys are fighting the Putties.  A Putty is standing apart from the rest and waits until a shark fin boomerang appears in it's hands.  The Putty throws the boomerang.  Jason spots the boomerang and calls out a warning to Tommy.  Tommy catches the boomerang.  Suddenly electric currents emits from the boomerang and hits Tommy.  Tommy is knocked off his feet and lands in the sand.  Jason, occupied with fighting Putties, didn't see what had happened.














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