On Fins And Needles - Page Four

Alpha 5 does so and thinks he has the location, but quickly realizes now it's gone.  This is weird.  This is really weird.

The crowd at the Youth Center gets very rowdy, as they are eager for the match to begin.  Bulk and Skull try their best to hold them back.  Skull yells at the crowd to be quiet.  Bulk walks over to Tommy and Jason and tells them, the only rule is there are no rules.  Last one standing wins.  Go to your corners, come out fighting.  Tommy and Jason go to their corners as Skull enthusiastically rings the bell to start the match.  The crowd chants, fight as Jason and Tommy circle each other in fight positions.  Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy managed to get through the crowd and stand in front in disbelief.  Trini tells them, guys, this is terrible.  Billy adds, this confrontation could have disastrous results.  Kimberly states, we got to do something.  Zack steps into the middle of Tommy and Jason.  Bulk and Skull quickly walk up to Zack, as Bulk asks him, what are you doing dweeb?  Zack tells Tommy and Jason, this has gone way too far.  Why don't you guys shake hands, and forget it ever happen, alright?  Jason replies, no way Zack.  I'm going to finish this now!  Zack tries again.  Remember what you always tell your students in class?  Don't fight.  Not unless it's the only way to work things out.  Tommy tells Zack to get out of their way.  It's time to take care of this once and for all.  Bulk adds, you heard what they said.  Either buy a ticket or hit the road.  Zack reluctantly walks away and joins Kimberly, Billy, and Trini.  Jason pushes Bulk out of the way, eager to take down Tommy.  Bulk doesn't get mad.  He cheers them on.  Kimberly, Zack, Billy, and Trini watch the match in dismay.

The crowd continues to chant fight as Tommy and Jason face each other.  Bulk and Skull urge the two to fight as Trini shoots them a disapproving glance.  Suddenly Zack's communicator goes off.  Zack comments, saved by the beep.  Zack gets between Tommy and Jason once more.  He points to his communicator as he tells them, it's time to go.  Neither Tommy or Jason moves.  Zack yells, it's time to go!  Jason states, this is going to have to wait.  Tommy agrees, but we will finish this later.  Zack pushes Tommy ahead of him and Jason follows his friends out.  Bulk tries to stop them, but they ignore him.  A person yanks Bulk around and asks, hey, where's the fight?  Bulk replies, it's been delayed.  Just hold on to those tickets and....suddenly Bulk and Skull ran out of the Youth Center with the angry mob right behind them.

Alpha 5 is busy working when the teens teleport in.














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