Return Of An Old Friend, Part II - Page Seven

Green Ranger plays the Dragon Dagger and soon Dragonzord is back on it's feet.  Dragonzord charges towards Dramole.  Dragonzord swings it's tail around and hits Dramole hard.  Dragonzord continues to use it's tail against Dramole.  Dramole lands a couple of strikes against Dragonzord.  Dragonzord knocks Dramole to the ground.  Megazord is back and stands next to Dragonzord.  Megadragonzord is formed.  Titanus arrives and Ultrazord is quickly formed.  Red Ranger exclaims, you're through mole face!  Ultrazord fires all it's weapons and destroys Dramole.  With the destruction of Dramole, the skies clear once more.  At the Moon Palace, Rita is furious and falls to her knees.  Baboo, Squatt, Scorpina, and Finster run over to help her.  Rita yells, curse you Power Rangers!  Goldar adds, they have escaped today but they have not seen the last of us!

The teens return to the Command Center.  Zordon informs the teens, I can confirm with the destruction of the Dramole monster, your parents have been freed.  The teens jump up and down in excitement and exchange hugs.  Alpha 5 lets them know that they have been transported from the dark dimension back to the Youth Center and they remember nothing.  Billy states, that's the best news I've heard all day.  Jason adds, the second best news is Tommy got his powers back.  Zordon tells them, Alpha and I will have to analyze your powers to see if it can be restored to you permanently.  Alpha 5 adds, as it is, they could fail, leaving you vulnerable.  Zordon asks Tommy, knowing this Tommy, do you still choose to remain a Power Ranger?  Tommy replies, absolutely.  It's good to be back with my friends again, even if it's only for awhile.  Alpha 5 welcomes Green Ranger back.  Zack reminds them, it's Parents Day.  The teens enter the Youth Center and head straight for their parents.  Jason gives his mom a hug and she asks, what's this all about?  Jason tells them, I'm just glad you guys are my parents.  Trini wraps her arms around her dad and tells him, have I ever told you I'm proud to be your daughter.  Zack tells his mom she sure looks pretty today, which embarrasses her.  Kimberly tells her parents, I love you guys so much.  I was afraid that you might feel uncomfortable.  Mrs. Hart asks her, what ever gave you that idea?  Mr. Hart tells Kimberly, just because we are divorce doesn't mean we don't love you.  We'll always be here for you.  The reassurances makes Kimberly feel very happy.  Kimberly spots Tommy in the crowd and waves him over as she tells her folks, there's somebody I would like you to meet.  Tommy spots them and walks over.   














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