Return Of An Old Friend, Part II

March 1, 1994

Written by:  Shell Danielson

Directed by:  Worth Keeter

Zordon tells the teens, that coin may help you defeat Rita.  Kimberly doesn't understand.  What good will be Tommy's power coin do if he doesn't have his powers anymore?  Alpha 5 points to the viewing globe and announces, we've located your parents.  The teens gathered around the viewing globe and watched the images of their parents and teachers wandering around aimlessly.  Jason tells his friends, we have to try.  Trini agrees, we can't give up now.  Zack just hopes they are alright.  Zordon reassures them that their parents are safe for the time being.  Billy asks, what can we do?  Zordon replies, first we need Tommy.  Zordon instructs Alpha 5 to locate and teleport Tommy to the Command Center immediately.

At the Youth Center, Tommy looks around the empty room and wonders, what is going on here?  Suddenly he is teleported out of the building.

Rita was watching the Youth Center and was not happy to see Tommy.  What is he doing there?  Goldar tells Rita there is no way they can bring Green Ranger back.  Impossible!  Rita agrees, he lost his power!  Baboo and Squatt are there as well.  Squatt adds, thanks to Rita.  Baboo exclaims, brilliant!   Brilliant!  Rita is ready to destroy Angel Grove.  Goldar tells her he will start the next phase immediately.  Finster tells them, and Dramole, my most horrible monster yet, will finish Earth once and for all.

Tommy is teleported into the Command Center and is surprised and happy to see his friends.  Jason walks up to him and tells him welcome back old friend.  Jason gives the power coin to Tommy.  Tommy looks at his friends puzzled.

Tommy's friends explained what was going on.  Tommy tells them, I'll do anything I can to help, but how?  How can I without my powers?  Zordon states, I believe the only way possible is to infuse Tommy with an enormous amount of my own energy.  Billy becomes alarmed.  That could be extremely dangerous for both you and Tommy!  Jason agrees.  What happens if these temporary powers give out during a fight?  Kimberly feels they can't ask Tommy to take that risk.  But it is a risk Tommy is willing to take.  When do we begin?

Goldar stands at the outskirts of Angel Grove and begins to play the Dragon Dagger.  Very quickly, Dragonzord attacks Angel Grove. 














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