Switching Places - Page Four
Baboo and Squatt go down to Angel Grove and land in the park. Squatt gets the lamp out and ends up dropping it. Baboo gets upset with Squatt and hits him on the head. Genie leaves his lamp.
In the Command Center, Zordon has detected a disturbance in the Morphin grid. Zordon has Alpha 5 contact the Rangers and instruct them to go the park and find the lamp. Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, and Billy teleport to the park and begin searching for the lamp. Zack finds the lamp. The teens teleport to the Command Center. Alpha 5 is confused. Alpha 5 doesn't understand what is so dangerous about a lamp. Zordon tells them it's not the lamp, it's the Genie that was in it. The alarms go off. Goldar and several Putties are in the city. Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, and Jason morphed and teleport into the city. The Power Rangers battle Goldar and several Putties. Red Ranger has a difficult time with Goldar. Baboo and Squatt are there as well. Back at the Command Center, Zordon tells Alpha 5 that Goldar and the Putties are a diversion. The real danger is Genie. Zordon has Alpha 5 teleport the Rangers to where Genie is. The Rangers arrive and Genie hits them with several spears. Then Genie strikes the Rangers with webbing from his fingers. The Rangers get all tangle up in the webbing. Back at the Command Center, Alpha 5 reports that the Rangers are in trouble. Zordon has Alpha 5 bring the Rangers to the Command Center.